Smoke filled rooms


molṑn labé
Staff member
God I love the current political season. Sure Jimmy Mac is a weasel & there's not a conservative in sight but look at the whole picture.

Obama is whacking Mrs Bill Clinton. She is still in the race but he has popular opinion behind him (mostly cause he gives purty speeches-unlike him). She has a plan but it's scary as hell.

It's time to watch the Clinton Machine go into action. Which is why I started this thread.

The probability is Barrack wins more primary/caucus delegates but not enough to win outright. They go to Denver (I think) & will most likely revert to 1968 Chicago. The Clintons have the political muscle to pull off the old fashioned nomination by strong arming & promising SuperDelegates to go against state nominations (which is allowed by the DNC party) & vote for her.

Question for the left leaning American members...will you vote for Mrs Bill Clinton come November or will you side with a (admittedly weak) Republican?
God I love the current political season. Sure Jimmy Mac is a weasel & there's not a conservative in sight but look at the whole picture.

Obama is whacking Mrs Bill Clinton. She is still in the race but he has popular opinion behind him (mostly cause he gives purty speeches-unlike him). She has a plan but it's scary as hell.

It's time to watch the Clinton Machine go into action. Which is why I started this thread.

The probability is Barrack wins more primary/caucus delegates but not enough to win outright. They go to Denver (I think) & will most likely revert to 1968 Chicago. The Clintons have the political muscle to pull off the old fashioned nomination by strong arming & promising SuperDelegates to go against state nominations (which is allowed by the DNC party) & vote for her.

Question for the left leaning American members...will you vote for Mrs Bill Clinton come November or will you side with a (admittedly weak) Republican?

Yep. Those same Democrats that claimed Bush stole the last two elections using the same tactics they are going to use on Obama. Gotta love the irony and hypocrisy in all that, eh?
It's time to watch the Clinton Machine go into action.


This past week, Hillary Clinton attempted to fortify her shaky campaign by hiring long time confidante Maggie Williams as campaign manager.

Hillary Clinton was not above a little exploitation herself. In unrelated incidents, it was not Hillary, but her loyal aid Williams who cleared out Vince Foster’s office after his death and accepted Johnny Chung’s $50,000 donation in the White House.

Yep. Those same Democrats that claimed Bush stole the last two elections using the same tactics they are going to use on Obama. Gotta love the irony and hypocrisy in all that, eh?

giggity giggity goo :eyemouth:

It wouldn't be a presidential race without a bizarre sex scandal and there may be one heating up for Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama.

In the video, Sinclair claims he and Obama met on two separate occasions, that Obama used crack cocaine and that Sinclair performed oral sex on Obama both evenings.

Later in the day, Sinclair filed suit against Obama and his campaign guru David Axelrod in Minnesota district court for allegedly attempting to abridge Sinclair's right to free speech, and for waging an intimidation campaign against him.
According to several political blogs, the Obama team is looking into any connections Sinclair might have with the Clinton campaign.
Question for the left leaning American members...will you vote for Mrs Bill Clinton come November or will you side with a (admittedly weak) Republican?

Looks like it will probably be Obama vs. McCain.
Well I'd take Hillary over McCain any day.

I used to like McCain back before the 2000 elections but he's turned into a big sellout.

When he called Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell "agents of intolerance" he got some respect but then he had to go and start kissing the fundies asses and lost it again.

He used to be so adamant about being against torture. He sold out on that too.

Interesting article on the guy here. He's a sad character now. I feel sorry for him. Not enough to vote for him though.