Smoking gun...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
So...I know it's a bad habit, but this is intolerable...

In one of the most embarrassing setbacks for EPA in recent memory, a federal judge has thrown out the agency's landmark 1993 risk assessment linking secondhand smoke to cancer.


I got that link from this source.

Now let the cannonballs fly...
unbelieveable :retard:

hopefully it doesn't take them too long to replace it with one that was done to standard...I'm sure there are a bajillion out there.
Leslie said:
unbelieveable :retard:

hopefully it doesn't take them too long to replace it with one that was done to standard...I'm sure there are a bajillion out there.

That's what happens when you cheat to win. Eventually, you get caught. If second-hand smoke is really as bad as they say, then they should've used the whole study. Not just the parts they liked. :retard:
Gato_Solo said:
they should've used the whole study. Not just the parts they liked. :retard:
But, but that's not the way we do things in America (unfortunately:shrug: )
Here's one I have a problem with. There are actually bars where there is no smoking. What's next, no fucking in whorehouses?????
chcr said:
Here's one I have a problem with. There are actually bars where there is no smoking. What's next, no fucking in whorehouses?????
Let the market decide.

1. Some bars could be no smoking, and see how much profit they turn. If they make money like the smoking bars, then there's no problem. If they go under, then there's something wrong with the whole idea of no smoking bars.
2. If you don't like smoking/smoke, then don't go to places that allow smoking. :shrug: Doesn't sound like a tough decision to me...
Gato_Solo said:
2. If you don't like smoking/smoke, then don't go to places that allow smoking. :shrug: Doesn't sound like a tough decision to me...

It has more to do with the workers having a smoke free environment.In BC there are several bars that are family run and since they have no employees the " smoking ban" doesn't apply.
What's so hard about going outside of the establishment to smoke ... especially at restaurants?

I don't mind the smoke in bars, I favor those that are outdoors or the ones that smoking is at a minimum anyway.
kuulani said:
What's so hard about going outside of the establishment to smoke ... especially at restaurants?

In my post above I said (at least in BC) the the rule is enforced by the "Workers Compensation Board" so it has less to do with customers and more do with Workers.