smoothie recipes you'll like!


Note: Keep in mind that these ingredients are suggestions so feel free to add your
own creative twists to them. Here are some things that I do:
I always use nonfat milk.
• Adding ground flaxseed and/or wheat germ is always a good idea.
• I like to use frozen fruit (keeps longer and keeps the smoothies thick). For
bananas, peel them in advance before putting them in the freezer.
• A touch of cocoa powder is a nice way to tweak a smoothie for a chocolate
taste. Almond extract also adds nice flavor. Other popular spices include
cinnamon and nutmeg.

Apple Pie
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. One scoop of vanilla protein powder. Add three
tablespoon of apple pie filling, 1/4 teaspoon of ground allspice, and three ice cubes.
Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Crunchy Hippie
1 cup of 2% milk. One scoop of chocolate protein powder. Add 2 tablespoons non-fat
French vanilla creamer, 1/4 cup low fat granola or unflavored oatmeal, 1 frozen
banana (peel & wrap in plastic before freezing), 1 tablespoon of low-fat peanut
butter, 2 tablespoons sugar-free powdered chocolate milk. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Banana Split
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. One scoop of vanilla protein powder. Add 1/2
banana, 1/4 cup chopped pineapple, two frozen strawberries, and three ice cubes.
Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Black/White Freezer
1 cup of 2% milk. One scoop of vanilla protein powder. Add 2 tablespoons non-fat
French vanilla creamer, and 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Omega Hat Trick
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. Add one scoop of vanilla protein powder. One
tablespoon of flaxseed powder or oil, 1/3 oz. almonds, slivered, one teaspoons
vanilla extract and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Double Chocolate Dairy Cow
Add 8 oz of Non-fat milk or water. One scoop of chocolate protein powder. Add 1/2
packet of fat-free hot cocoa mix and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed
for 45 seconds.

Blueberry Bonanza
Add 8 oz of Non-fat milk or water. One scoop of vanilla protein powder. 1/2 cup
frozen or fresh blueberries and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.
Coconut Cream
Add 8 oz of pineapple juice. One scoop of vanilla protein powder. 1/2 tsp. coconut
extract, 1 oz. shredded coconut, unsweetened and three ice cubes. Blend at high
speed for 45 seconds.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. One scoop of chocolate protein powder. Add one
heaping tablespoon of all-natural peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of your favorite
chocolate syrup, and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Chocolate Mocha Mint
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. One scoop of chocolate protein powder. Add 1
tablespoon of Swiss Mocha instant coffee, three drops of peppermint extract, and three ice cubes. Blend at high
speed for 45 seconds.

Chocolate-Covered Cherry
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. One scoop of chocolate protein powder. Add
three drops of cherry extract and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45

Cinnamon Roll
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. One scoop of vanilla protein powder. Add 1/4
teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. butter and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45

Egg Nog Delight
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. One scoop of vanilla protein powder. Add 1/4
teaspoon of ground allspice, 1 plain graham cracker (four small squares), and three
ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Chunky Monkey
1 cup of Non-Fat milk. One scoop of chocolate protein powder. Add 1 frozen banana
(peel & wrap in plastic prior to freezing), 1 tablespoon low-fat peanut butter, 3-4
chocolate wafers, and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Arctic Orange Orgasm
Add 1 cup of orange juice (pulp variety recommended). One scoop of vanilla protein
powder. Add one ripe banana, and four ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45

Hazelnut Heaven
1 cup of Low-Fat milk. One scoop of chocolate protein powder. Add 2 teaspoon of
instant coffee,2 tablespoons of non-fat hazelnut creamer, 2 tablespoons sugar-free
powdered chocolate milk, and five ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

1 cup Low-Fat milk, One scoop of vanilla protein powder. Add 2 tablespoons non-fat
French vanilla creamer, 2 teaspoons frozen orange juice concentrate, 1 teaspoon
vanilla extract, and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.
Peaches & Cream
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. Add one scoop of vanilla protein powder. Add
1/2 cup frozen unsweetened peaches, two tablespoons of whipped topping, and
three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Peach Berry Cobbler
1 cup Low-Fat milk, One scoop of chocolate protein powder. Add 2 tablespoons nonfat
French vanilla creamer, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 3-4 frozen strawberries, 4-5
slices frozen peaches, 2-3 low-fat vanilla wafer cookies, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon.

Banana Strawberry Blowout
Add 1 cup of Non-Fat milk or water. Add one scoop of vanilla protein powder. Add
three frozen strawberries, 1/2 banana, and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for
45 seconds.

Strawberry Shortcake
1 cup of Low-Fat milk. Add one scoop of strawberry protein powder. Add 2
tablespoons non-fat French vanilla creamer. 3-4 frozen strawberries, 3-4 low fat
vanilla wafers. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds.

Tropical Delight
Add 6 oz. Papaya juice with 2 oz. of water. Add one scoop of vanilla protein powder.
Add 1/4 cup pineapple, 1/2 banana, and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45

Berry-Almond Rich Power Shake
1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup skim milk 1 cup nonfat yogurt (flavor of
choice) 1/2 banana, peeled and cut in half 3/4 cup frozen mixed berries 2 tbsp.
sliced almonds 2 tsp. ground flaxseed

Mellow Mango Mayhem
1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 1/2 cups frozen mango chunks 1 cup nonfat frozen
vanilla yogurt 1 cup orange juice 1 cup ice cubes 3/4 tsp. vanilla

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie
1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 cup canned pumpkin, 1/2 cup evaporated skim
milk (non fat, chilled), 1 cup pineapple juice 1/2 cup bananas, peeled and sliced 3
tbsp. brown sugar 1/2 tsp. cinnamon Serves: 2
what's with all the low fat? :sick:

some of em sound good, but I'll be a daredevil and use regular milk.

*recipes ALL edited to remove brand names, cause spamming sucks.*
On Iron Chef the chef dude was trying to make a jelly out of Sea Cucumber but couldn't get it to set in time.

So he made it into a gloppy, gelatinous, black dessert smoothie and served it. *puke*

I'm still not over it. Absolutely horrifying.