so i'm walking through the casino...


Well-Known Member
...when i see this beautiful blond walking from the opposite direction. i give her a quick once over. no leering or obscene jestures or anything like that, just a head to toe scan.
she suddenly throws her arms out and yells "DAVE!" and walks over to me and gives me a hug. it was one of my co-workers. she was with her boyfriend.
i've never seen her in street clothes before, only in scrubs.

she used to compete in fitness pagents so to say she is in shape would be an understatement.
Something similar happened to me about 5 years ago.

I was walking, when i suddenly spot this gorgeous girl, tall, GREAT BODY, long and curly light brown hair, green eyes, and there i am staring like an idiot, when she suddenly says: "LUIS!!", I had the "are you really talking to me??" thought on my mind while trying to identify her.

It turned out that she is a friend of an ex, so asking for her phone number would have been a total waste of time :shrug:
Just wait until the pretty girl who's ass you're admiring turns around and you realize you used to date her mother.

*Has actually experienced this*
chcr said:
Just wait until the pretty girl who's ass you're admiring turns around and you realize you used to date her mother.

*Has actually experienced this*
Ain't nothin wrong with that...
chcr said:
Just wait until the pretty girl who's ass you're admiring turns around and you realize you used to date her mother.

*Has actually experienced this*

*places hand over mouth*

Oh my gosh! You didn't. Te he.
That happens to me all the time. I'll see some beautiful girl whom I've never seen before (or so I think), and she'll suddenly start talking me up. Because she knew me in high school or something.

I'm pretty bad with faces, but everyone I ever met always seems to remember me. :alienhuh:
OMG, it just happened to me AGAIN last night. I was at a bar, and out of nowhere I hear my name. Turn around and there's this guy looking at me and smiling. He says, "Remember me? Dusty Brainerd. We went to high school together."

Well, I didn't remember his face, but the name was familiar. I REALLY didn't recognize his face, and I told him so. He said his face changed alot.

Apparently, 5 years out of high school and I still look like I did then. :shrug: Maybe that's why people recognize me and I don't recognize them.