So, is there such a thing as "Free" Ringtones?


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I got this cell phone, just a basic freebie model, but it has 10 spaces for downloadable ringtones. Nokia has very little on thier site except to say that you can do it. So, where are all these "Free" ringtones at?
Well, I did a google search for "Free Ringtones" Theres about 1.5 million hits. I've spent the last two hours browsing through the first 10 pages or so and so far I have determined that there are a shitload of lying bastards on the internet. "Free" suddenly becomes 4.99. or 5.99, or a monthly membership of 10.99.

So basically, does anyone know where you can get truly "Free" ringtones?
Not me, but there are programs that will let you compose your own tones, or convert them from midi files.

Thou you need a special cable to connect the cell phone to your puter.
Nope, they're not free either. I guess I'll just have to use one of the built ins. The only one I've found that really looks free you have to have internet access through the phone, which I don't have.
What's your Nokia model, PT? Does it and your laptop have IR? I'll have to wait till I get home, but I might could help ya.
No IR on the phone, got it on the laptop. Guess I could check into getting the cable, from what I've read just about any midi will work.
when i got my new nokia from t-mobile, i searched everywhere for free ringtones and ended up just as frustrated as you. free ringtones just don't exist.

the bitch of it is, i bought into the hype and bought a few ringtones from t-mobile for $0.99. and then it hit me, i'm paying the same amount for a 20-second ringtone that i pay for a whole damn song on iTunes :lloyd:
It would be nice if you could just download a song from iTunes onto the phone. I'd probably pick "Don't Cuss the Fiddle" by Waylon and Willie. :D
You could probably download some slightly less legal ringtones and transfer them. My sis had 81000 ringtones on her comp once.
You'll probably need some sort of special software to transfer them, though.
Inkara1 said:
It would be nice if you could just download a song from iTunes onto the phone. I'd probably pick "Don't Cuss the Fiddle" by Waylon and Willie. :D

Actually, you can (I think). It might take a bit of whangling though.