
Well-Known Member
the other day at the beach, I scraped my foot ... Sunday night I saw that there was some pieces of rock in my foot and I dug it out .. last night I thought I saw another black area under the skin so I started digging at it again .. I dug and dug and dug trying to get to that black spot.

It seems that's all it was - a black spot. No rock. Just a spot, which is now a hole in my foot. And it itches.
Soak your feet!

I know, I know, Granny Fi, but it's really good!

Sit in front of the telly with your feet in a basin of hot water!
I might try that when I get home ... thanks Granny[/] D

btw .. what does your sig mean? wait .. lemme guess

it means "praise to the Ku'u - give me beer"

Fi explained her sig somewhere in this forum ... something about an Irish proverb *racking my brain for an answer* ...
hehehe .. the ink isn't itchy, ris .. the fact that I now have a hole in the bottom of my foot that's trying to heal is making my foot itchy :D

but I agree with Scanty - that's a great name for a band ... Scanty, wanna make a chick band???

fury - you can scratch anytime you want :brow:
yeah, sure na, we'll have a kick-ass band called Itchy Ink :D What kind of music are you thinking?
hmm...well, that all sounds...interesting, lol :D

*shakes her booty*

*wonders about these americanisms*