So, just exactly how much is your money worth -- face value or market value?


Well-Known Member
This guy paid his employees with gold and silver coins, which are legal tender, at their face value. The government went after him because they don't like it when someone actually finds a way around them getting their share.

The fact is that if the government is going to coin money, and assign those coins a dollar value, they should abide by that contract they have formed with the public.


Use real money, go to federal prison
Written by Bryan Hyde on March 26, 2012

Bryan Hyde is a news commentator and co-host of the Perspectives morning show on Fox News 1450 AM 93.1 FM. The opinions stated in this article are his and not those of St. George News.

OPINION – Most Americans have never heard of former Las Vegas businessman Robert Kahre. The fact that he is locked away in a federal prison has a lot to do with that. But those who understand Kahre’s story tend to view money as well as our justice system in a different light.

Kahre was convicted in 2009 of conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service, tax evasion and hiding assets. But his real crime was something far more serious in the eyes of the IRS and federal prosecutors. Kahre paid his employees as independent contractors rather than salaried employees and he paid them in gold and silver coin.

By doing so, he brought unwelcome attention to the ongoing official debasement of our money supply. This action is what brought the full might of the federal government crashing down upon him.

Kahre offered to pay his workers in face value of federally issued gold and silver coins. These coins are legal tender at their face value. For instance, a one ounce gold American Eagle coin has a face value of $50. The actual value today of a one-ounce coin of fine gold is closer to $1,685 ±. If a person wished to pay for a tank of gas with an American Eagle at its $50 face value, they have a perfect legal right to do so. Of course, the wiser thing to do would be to sell the coin for its value in Federal Reserve notes and pocket the $1,635 in cash.

When Kahre offered to pay his workers in gold and silver, the legal tender laws should have considered those coins at face value. This means that an employee receiving 50 American Eagles annually would be making only $2,500 at face value. Therefore, the employee’s wages would fall below the threshold of reportable income.

Of course, the IRS takes umbrage at the thought of someone earning roughly $83,000 in Federal Reserve notes and not paying what the tax collectors consider their “fair share.” But there remains the issue of legal tender laws that clearly state that those Eagles are worth $50 face value.

If the federal government makes gold and silver coins that are legal tender, then why punish those who use them at face value? So which standard are we to follow? For that matter, why are there two different standards in the first place?

These troublesome questions are likely what prompted federal prosecutors to go after Kahre with a vengeance.

A federal SWAT team crashed through the gate of Kahre’s business with an armored vehicle and held Kahre’s employees at gunpoint for hours when the feds made their move. Kahre was charged with 49 counts of failure to collect or pay employment taxes, four counts of tax evasion, two counts of attempting to interfere with IRS laws and a single count of wire fraud. An uninformed jury convicted him on the judge’s instructions and he was sent to prison for 15 years and ordered to pay millions of dollars to the IRS.

The judge who sentenced him actually had the audacity to caution Kahre’s wife that allowing the couple’s children to develop a negative view of the federal government’s actions would be a grave injustice.

It’s hard to imagine how the government’s actions can even begin to square with the concept of justice. What Kahre and his employees did was hardly illegal. It did, however, expose the growing official debasement of our irredeemable paper currency when compared to sound money.

Most Americans have forgotten that our nation was founded upon a monetary system of gold and silver coin. For many years, paper currency was forbidden because, historically, it allowed government officials to plunder the public through inflation.

With the creation of the Federal Reserve nearly a century ago and the subsequent abandonment of a precious metal-backed currency, inflation has steadily robbed the dollar of roughly 95 percent of its purchasing power since 1913.

When a gold $50 American Eagle is worth far more than fifty paper dollars, it should be clear to all but the most obtuse that something fraudulent is happening to our money. Robert Kahre earned the wrath of the federal government by allowing its currency debasement to be brought to light.

email: [email protected]
The difference is ... coins from the mint are constitutional money and are protected by constitutional law. Paper money is issued by the Federal Reserve Bank and is not. Take note of the flag shown in any court this is tried in ... it's not the US flag.
the coming one world government does not want you to use any form of physical money. this is just the beginning.
Geitner wants to get rid of physical cash eventually.


March 28, 2012, 11:01 AM

Treasury to Cut Costs by Remaking Coins, Replacing Paper

By Eric Morath

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner outlined how his department will find savings, including $286 million in the next fiscal year, by changing the materials that go into coins, replacing paper with electronic communications and consolidating internal agencies.

The effort to find efficiencies is part of a broader effort by the Obama administration to reduce budget deficits by $4 trillion over the next 10 years.

Geithner, in written testimony prepared for the House Committee on Appropriations, said a good portion of next year’s savings at Treasury will come from changing the composition of U.S. coins to more cost-effective materials.

“Currently, the costs of making the penny and the nickel are more than twice the face value of each of those coins,” Geithner said in his remarks.

The cost of making pennies and nickels are about twice the face value of the coins–2.4 cents for a penny and 11.2 cents for a nickel, the Treasury Department said earlier this month. Rising commodity prices have driven higher production costs. The Mint said it used 16,365 tons of copper, 2,311 tons of nickel and 11,844 tons of zinc to produce all coins in fiscal year 2011.

Changing the makeup of coins and improving the efficiency of currency production will save more than $75 million in the next fiscal year. In addition, the suspension of presidential dollar coin production, announced in December, will save another $50 million.

Geithner said the department is also finding savings by encouraging electronic communication instead of paper. For example, this year 77% of taxpayers will file returns online. Treasury has saved $63.9 million since 2009 by encouraging electronic filing.

Treasury is also working to consolidate the Bureau of the Public Debt and the Financial Management Service. This consolidation will save $36 million over five years, Geithner said.

Geithner said the broader deficit reduction plan outlined in the president’s 2013 budget is “sufficient to stabilize our debt as a share of the economy by 2015.”

–Jeffrey Sparshott contributed to this post.
wow, who expected that the pov would start to imitate the kind of paperless efficiencies that private enterprise has been pursuing furiously for years?

er no it's for social control. e-file my ass!

that's some good thinkin' cornelius.
