So much for lazy Americans


molṑn labé
Staff member
You guys are new to this & you don't want to enjoy the freedom of participatory "national" elections. Be careful, you may end up with representatives you distrust.

EU election turnout seen at record low

BRUSSELS, June 13 (Reuters) - Turnout hit a record low in the biggest cross-border election in history to choose a new European Parliament, parliament officials said on Sunday.

They said an estimated 44.6 percent of voters cast ballots in the 25-nation bloc -- down from 49.8 percent in a 15-nation EU in the last elections in 1999.

The turnout was slightly higher in the 15 old member states, averaging 47.7 percent, than in the 10 new, mainly ex-communist east European states which joined the bloc last month, where it was estimated to average just 28.7 percent, the forecast showed.

© Copyright Reuters Ltd. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of Reuters Ltd.
06/13/2004 14:16
Sadly, the new countries joining the EU have been almost nothing but bad news for us in the rest of the union.
More who have never read the Constitution. Look, you folks are over a year late...we've settled most of these issues.
Just pop up the post, Gonz.
Just because you may be at a loss for words is not a reason to blow off a valid point.
Why haven't I yet read the constitution?

If you mean that the Constitution ALLOWS electronic voting, I think that it should also be said that just because the Constitution doesn't forbid it doesn't mean it allows it. The question we have to face now, without founding father approval, is if it is still democracy when there is no way to verify the vote you cast.
The Constitution specifically limits what the government may do. Anything not enumerated is not allowed. One of the enumerated issues is the electoral college.
I refuse to watch a soap opera. If you have something to say (including the fact that the loser tried to stop US Military personel, stationed elsewhere, from having their votes counted) then please say it.
Start HERE

I offered you the clip to summarize things for you.
Point is that for the first time in our nation's history the voter rolls were handed over to a private company. A republican one nonetheless. Now the first list of felons that they gave to Cathrine Harris (republican campaign lady) was of 8,000 voters not to be allowed to vote, because they had felonies.

NOW, she wanted more, later they added 50,000 more names of primarly african american voters to the ban list. If your name was Johnson in Florida, and another Johnson in Indiana had a felony,,, guess what? You couldn't vote.

Later it came to light that these lists were never even checked for accuracy.

Gore lost by 500sumt votes. Do the math.
Theft of the presidency, by the extreme right.

Oh, and Harris is now a congresswoman.