SO tell me


Staff member
What is your drunken snack food? What do you desire when you get home from a night of drinking?

For me it's usually pizza...sometimes wings...but usually pizza...I have one in the oven right now...I hope I can stay awake til it's cooked...mmmmmm pizza :la: i'm done my pizza...the oven is off...the leftovers will make a FANTASTIC breakfast tomorrow...i am going to BED

I look forward to many answers tomorrow!!!
Actually anything works for me, but i like nachos and salsa.....chips....finger foods ya know...because most of it doesnt make it to my mouth anyway! :lol2:
I don't eat much on a buzz because I don't want to kill it. If its a necessity situation, I like to keep it starchy and simple ... bagels, pretzels. A high fat content, like pizza, on top of a drunken bash tends to sit like a rock in my gut instead of being yummy.
I picture every food as it would be coming back up. So, I don't eat once I am buzzed.
If I eat, the buzz dies. When the night is over, i eat (whatever is handy) just before bed & no hangover.
I never come home from a night of drinking.

Because I never go out in the first place.

Anyways, it would definitely be kebab. Singh's kebab. He da man!
Gonz said:
If I eat, the buzz dies. When the night is over, i eat (whatever is handy) just before bed & no hangover.

Yeah I was talking just before bed :D

I don't come home from a night of drinking until I'l just about ready for bed...I should have specified :D
Doritos. Even after a very unpleasant experience eating Doritos while drunk, I still crave Doritos.
I got WAY loopy last night and ate nachos with chicken on it. That went down goooooooooooooood!