So, what do you have to hide?


Well-Known Member
It seems that the Dems are circling the wagons around their most corrupt members.


The Republican resolution focused on a lobbying firm, PMA, which was raided by the FBI last year


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WASHINGTON -- House Democrats on Tuesday stopped a Republican plan to force a campaign finance inquiry that likely would have investigated several influential Democrats. It was the eighth time since late February that the Republican move was halted.

One of the biggest recipients has been the chairman of the defense appropriations subcommittee, Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania.

The vote was 215-182 to stop consideration of a GOP resolution to initiate a House ethics committee inquiry. It called for an investigation into campaign contributions to House lawmakers by recipients of pet project money and their lobbyists.

Democratic leaders spoke to some of their newer members privately last month, to stop them from voting for the Republican initiative. Tuesday's vote showed they made little headway.

Twenty-nine Democrats voted with the Republicans on Tuesday in an unsuccessful effort to keep the GOP initiative alive and allow the investigation to begin. The first time the resolution was considered, in late February, 17 Democrats supported it.

The ethics committee doesn't need a House resolution to start an investigation. The committee usually operates in secret in the early stages, so it could be looking at the donations. However, some of the members who could face an investigation have said they have not been contacted.

The Republican resolution focused on a lobbying firm, PMA, which was raided by the FBI last year. The company's political action committee records were carted off, along with files of some of its lobbyists.

In 2007 and 2008, Murtha, Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va. and Rep. Peter Visclosky. D-Ind., directed $137 million to defense contractors who were paying PMA to get them government business.

At the same time, the three lawmakers received huge amounts of political donations from PMA lobbyists and their clients. Murtha has collected $2.37 million from PMA's lobbyists and the companies it has represented since 1989, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks political money. Visclosky has collected $1.36 million; Moran, $997,348.

Visclosky heads the appropriations subcommittee on energy and water development. Moran is on Murtha's defense subcommittee.
If the FBI is involved then why do they want to meddle in the potential case or cases that may result? :shrug:

When the feces hits the rotating blades those that were getting all the benefits of the cool air will get their due. The FBI will spare no one.
Ford took care of itself. GM & Chrysler hung themselves by inviting the devil in.
just seemed funny that it was like they all 3 got together, and ford pulled out
at the Most opportune time, like they played the other 2, and this is the polish off.
I think it was more that they mortgaged the company for money at just the right time, while GM was too late to do the same thing. Then, when Ford saw what they'd have to do if they wanted to get government money, they figured out a way to get by without it, while GM and Mopar weren't in good enough shape to do the same.

I'm curious to see what Chrysler would be doing now if Daimler-Benz hadn't showed up and sucked them dry, then tossed them on the side of the freeway like a used diaper.
Ford took care of itself. GM & Chrysler hung themselves by inviting the devil in.
Ford actually got a big loan from a bank before the big credit squeeze. They didn't ask for any gov't assistance because they didn't need it. And you are dead on sir, GM and Chrysler drove right up to the drive-thru and ordered that shit sandwich.
Oh crap. Val just agreed with Gonz ..... cue the Cats and Dogs living in sin.

What about human sacrifice and mass hysteria ... can we have that too? Please? Please? [/begging]

(All kidding aside, I don't disagree with people, I disagree with their statements or ideas.)

Report: Justice Department Probes Contractor With Murtha Ties
The Washington Post reported Monday that federal investigators are looking into how Mountaintop Technologies got involved in distributing and monitoring local police grants, on behalf of Rep. John Murtha.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Department of Justice is probing a Pennsylvania contractor that has won millions in earmarks and contracts with the help of Rep. John Murtha, according to a new report.

The Washington Post reported Monday that federal investigators are looking into how Mountaintop Technologies got involved in distributing and monitoring local police grants.

The company has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to distribute the money, according to the article, but has received at least $36 million worth of earmarks and military contracts over the past eight years -- with the help of Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat, and no competition.

According to the article, company executives have donated tens of thousands of dollars to Murtha's campaigns and often distributed the police grant funding on behalf of Murtha before fall elections, and the firm even hired the lobbying company where Murtha's brother worked.

Mountaintop Technologies founder David Fyock told the Post that his company won the contracts on merit. "We are pretty darn good at managing contracts," he said.

But law enforcement sources said the police grants drew attention because the firm was a defense company with little law enforcement experience.

The probe is just the latest to raise questions about Murtha's ties to lobbyists and contractors. The firm of one Virginia lobbyist close to Murtha was raided by the FBI several months ago.

And the Post reported in early May that a company owned by Murtha's nephew received $4 million from the Defense Department last year for engineering and warehouse services.

Click here to read the full story on Murtha in The Washington Post.
I think it was more that they mortgaged the company for money at just the right time, while GM was too late to do the same thing. Then, when Ford saw what they'd have to do if they wanted to get government money, they figured out a way to get by without it, while GM and Mopar weren't in good enough shape to do the same.

I'm curious to see what Chrysler would be doing now if Daimler-Benz hadn't showed up and sucked them dry, then tossed them on the side of the freeway like a used diaper.

Ford got a cash infusion when they sold a lot of the brand names they were holding. That and it is a privately held company. No stock holders to answer to.

IIRC, Daimler-Benz had unresolvable issues with Chrysler management being integrated onto the fold so they cut their losses and ran.
Ford got a cash infusion when they sold a lot of the brand names they were holding. That and it is a privately held company. No stock holders to answer to.

Ford is still a publically-traded company. Chrysler went private when Cerebus bought the company. Ford did get a few billion when it sold the British brands to Tata Motors (India), but they also mortgaged the company's assets at the end of 2006. Ford is still trying to sell Volvo... Geely (China) is rumored to be in talks with Ford.
My bad. I remember reading about them going private. Thought it was a done deal.