so what is wrong with this picture?

100 American soldiers? 100 American combat-equipped troops? For recon?
Too few for observable missions. I can't get past the "combat-equipped" part.
SEALs? Rangers? What is the security threat to the US? To any part of the US?

When will we go take out Mugabe? Hey, while we're there.....

Can you say Blackhawk Down?

(Just to stir the pot, it's muslims vs christians & look what side Obama took)
my thoughts?
I don't think we should have any government people anywhere around there.

Obama is more of a warmonger than Bush.
I guess he has changed his tune. First Libya and now Central Africa.

The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.

-Senator Barack Obama, Dec. 20, 2007.
GW went to Congress, three times. He also went to the UN, twice.

Obama has done none of the above & refuses to even consider it a military matter,
which is under his authority as CiC.

Like all matters, he sidesteps the system & pretends to be King.
He has the authority as CiC. He just refuses to call the kettle black.