So, when your kid's school offers a free laptop ...


Well-Known Member
buyer beware.

It seems that the laptops can be remotely manipulated by the school authorities which includes turning on the built-in camera.

One girl stated that she would play music while she showered and dressed and is now mortified that someone could have been monitoring her while she was naked.

Another option would be....turn the damned thing off (the camera)

They can turn it back on remotely. A small piece of electrical tape would take care of that. Another over the opening of the microphone would also be prudent.
Can they install drivers, remotely?

Certainly. Give me your e-mail addy, I'll send you a file, execute that file, and then sit back and watch me manipulate your computer right through your firewalls.
They could have closed the top, or blocked the mic, and camera,
but they are kids.
Imo kids shouldn't be unmonitored by the parents on a lappy like that.

My cousin lets his kids on wifi unmonitored, and they think I'm too
restrictive by not alowwing the kids here to even have a laptop.

I monitor these kids, and they still slip stuff by me periodically.
Got a warning of illeagle d/ling one time. One of them got a movie off the
wrong site.

Part of me sees it as a blatent invasion of privacy worthy of a more permanent destructive solution involving a hot glue gun and/or a soldering iron to prohibit this abuse. But thats probably defacing government property, so for a more mild approach I'd refuse to use or carry the laptop on the privacy basis. Are they a requirement of the school?

The other part of me says the workplace is no different, so why expect otherwise? Is it because they're minors?

I like my Mikes and Ikes and no, they aren't drugs.
I don't know for sure but from what I understand, typically, when schools give laptops, they GIVE laptops. Your boss lends you his.
I don't know for sure but from what I understand, typically, when schools give laptops, they GIVE laptops. Your boss lends you his.

They don't give you the books or the locker, which is why I asked....
I suppose by that definition, I'm living near a large drug operation--producing NaCl.
Sugar is a mood altering compound (as is caffine etc). I know that the mind is ran on salts, but I don't know that SodChlor works quite the same way. However salt does have its place in other functions of the body.
Who is Mike and
No, it's a carbohydrate that you crave by instinct. It is not a drug (though it feels like it sometimes).
Odd, I thought it was that sugars could pass though the BloodBrainBarrier and have psychoactive effects on mood/emotions/alertness/thought processes.

Oh yeah, it's a carb too.
Parents Angry Over CCTV In School Toilets

Outraged parents have hit out at a school in Birmingham after pupils discovered CCTV cameras in the school's toilets.

Youngsters at Grace Academy in Chelmsley Wood claim they returned from half-term to find staff had installed the cameras without notifying them or their parents.

Some parents are furious at what they say is a "total invasion of privacy" and claim some pupils are so anxious about being watched they are refusing to use the facilities.

One mother whose teenage daughter attends the school is concerned the footage could fall into the wrong hands.

She told the Sunday Mercury: "She came home from school and told me security cameras had been installed in the girl's toilets but we didn't know anything about it.

"You would expect the school to have consulted parents first yet we received no information and no letters have been sent home explaining this decision."

Grace Academy claims the cameras only cover the sink areas and have not yet been activated.

School principal Terry Wales told Sky News: "It's to safeguard our youngsters, many schools are using cameras now.

"We had a parents' forum last night, we explained the arrangements and the parents were satisfied.

"We've found that when it comes to health and safety, children want to feel secure."

But privacy campaigners warned about the psychological effects of the feeling of being watched, even if cameras are not switched on.

Dylan Sharpe from Big Brother Watch told Sky News: "Children are entitled to privacy like anyone else.

"We're raising a generation of children accustomed to being constantly watched and monitored, whether cameras are switched on or not."

Grace Academy already has 26 CCTV cameras watching other parts of the school.

The incident is the latest row to erupt between schools and parents who are concerned about safeguarding their children's privacy.

Last year police were called to a school in Salford after parents were horrified to discover children had been filmed changing into their PE kit.

Although the footage was not misused, police seized the film after negotiating with the school.

In 2007 it was revealed schools had fingerprinted thousands of primary school children without their parent's consent.

The Department for Children, Schools and Families later ruled that if schools want to obtain and store biometric data from children, consent is not required from parents.

No, it's a carbohydrate that you crave by instinct.

instinct? like cavemen clubbing each other over the shit? i doubt it. many folks have no sugar craving whatsoever, and sugar was not very significant nutritionally until more recent historical eras. especially if you're talking sugar in the form you may put in your coffee.

"first you get the sugar, then your get the power, then you get the women..."