So, wish me luck anyway.


Too cute for words
Trying to get an IT job with the Infernal revenue Service (maybe I should stop calling it that). Ahh... Gubmint work.
Good luck and maybe you can set your Spellchecker to automatically switch from "infernal" to "Internal."
when you are having an off day you could literally say "eh, it's good enough for government work".

what's the job anyway?
Good luck anyway!!!

I think they frown on people mailing them they probably frown on flinging it...unless you receive it in the mail *lightbulb*

Just remember, if you expect to make it up in management, don't act too smart.
chcr said:
Trying to get an IT job with the Infernal revenue Service (maybe I should stop calling it that). Ahh... Gubmint work.

Could you, would you, please oh please, take my name out of the system? C'mon, purty pleeze.
So if you get on
your plan is to spend the next twenty years there
and retire at the taxpayers expense

good idea

Lemme know how dat werks out fer ya
IT job with the computer setup that the IRS has? Do you remember how to work on 20 year old systems and databases? The stuff they have is downright archaic.
rrfield said:
when you are having an off day you could literally say "eh, it's good enough for government work".

what's the job anyway?
Desktop and application support. They have a medium sized office in Nashville and I'd be supporting the users there with possible field trips to Memphis from time to time.
unclehobart said:
It with the computer setup that the IRS has? Do you remember how to work on 20 year old systems and databases? The stuff they have is downright archaic.
Winky said:
so is he, so it will work out just fine

When he's right, he's right.
chcr said:
Desktop and application support. They have a medium sized office in Nashville and I'd be supporting the users there with possible field trips to Memphis from time to time.

sweet. Sometimes I think I need a new job, but I want to stick around 'till I'm fully vested here.