Some joke...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. — Did you hear the one about the two guys arrested for telling lawyer jokes? It happened this week to the founders of a group called Americans for Legal Reform (search), who were waiting in line to get into a Long Island courthouse.

Associated Press on Fox
That's petty in my book. Guess it's another example of the United States of the Offended rearing its ugly head.

What did the attorney hope to accomplish with this? Did he honestly think having these knuckleheads arrested would do one thing to change public perception of lawyers? Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face...
Dudes tell a joke and LOL.
Dude 3 told them STFU.
They didn't STFU.
Dude 3 who should STFU biatches anyway.
Cop Dude says dudes, STFU.
Dudes become total assholes and argue with Cop Dude.
Cop Dude says PWNED.

Dudes say it was cause they told a joke, when really it's just cause they're fuckin assholes who argue with Cop Dudes in a Courthouse.
Lawyers have no sense of proportion? I somehow find this less than surprising. :D
Leslie said:
Dudes tell a joke and LOL.
Dude 3 told them STFU.
They didn't STFU.
Dude 3 who should STFU biatches anyway.
Cop Dude says dudes, STFU.
Dudes become total assholes and argue with Cop Dude.
Cop Dude says PWNED.
OMGWTFLOL!!!!!!!!111 :D
The Lawyer
> > A very successful lawyer parked his brand-new Lexus in
> > front of his office, ready to show it off to his
> > colleagues. As he got out, a truck passed too closely
> > and completely tore off the door on the driver's side.
> >
> > The lawyer immediately grabbed his cell phone, dialed
> > 911, and within minutes a policeman pulled up. Before
> > the officer had a chance to ask any questions, the
> > lawyer started screaming hysterically. His Lexus,
> > which he had just picked up the day before, was now
> > completely ruined and would never be the same, no
> > matter what the body shop did to it.
> >
> > When the lawyer finally wound down from his ranting
> > and raving, the officer shook his head in disgust and
> > disbelief.
> >
> > "I can't believe how materialistic you lawyers are,"
> > he said. "You are so focused on your possessions that
> > you don't notice anything else."
> >
> > "How can you say such a thing?" asked the lawyer.
> > The cop replied, "Don't you know that your left arm is
> > missing from the elbow down? It must have been torn
> > off when the truck hit you."
> >
> > "My God" screamed the lawyer. "Where's my Rolex?"
Man Arrested for Lawyer Jokes Cleared

8 minutes ago U.S. National - AP

NEW YORK - A man arrested after telling lawyer jokes at a courthouse got the last laugh when a grand jury dismissed the disorderly conduct charge against him.

"It's still legal in America to tell jokes — even about lawyers," said 70-year-old Harvey Kash's lawyer, Ron Kuby, about Monday's decision.

Kash testified he was exercising his First Amendment right when he shared a few lawyer jokes with his friend, Carl Lanzisera, 65, as they waited to enter a Long Island courthouse last month.

Kash and Lanzisera are founders of Americans for Legal Reform, a group that uses confrontational tactics to urge greater public access to the courts. They said they have mocked lawyers outside courts for years.

"How do you tell when a lawyer is lying?" Kash reportedly asked.

"His lips are moving," the pair howled in unison.

Some people giggled, but a lawyer in the line told them to pipe down and reported them to court officers. They were arrested for allegedly being abusive and causing a disturbance.

The charge against Lanzisera was dropped because of insufficient evidence.

I am certain living with three boys is having
a definite effect on Les. Next thing you know...