Some people just don't get it.


New Member
'I'm trying my best,' says mother of 6-year-old boy implicated in arson

Patricia said she doesn't know how her son obtained access to a lighter or matches, and said he has never done anything like this before. She feels part of the problem is pressure from other children in the area, where she said arsons happen all the time.

"I get all these calls saying, 'Why aren't you watching your boys?' I'm trying my best. I can't be running around with my twins and chasing my boys around at the same time," she said.

"I've run into a few people and they say, 'Don't you think you should be charged for your kid's actions?' And I says, well, I'm at home with my twins right now. I'm a single parent of four children. I can't be with them 24/7."

Yep,6yr olds don't need no lookin' after.
She feels part of the problem is pressure from other children in the area,

Of course she does.

...where she said arsons happen all the time.

Do tell. All the time huh? Guess the problem will [Inky] burn itself out [/Inky] right soon then.

Has naybody explained to June Cleaver here what is causing all these kids? If ya ain't got time (or sense, or ability, or inclination, or...) to watch the younguns, keep y'laigs closed or buy a rubber. They'll even give ya th'rubbers down to the clinic. Gubmint handouts an such. Or I guess Canuckistan gives 'em out...if not, holler at one of our resident libs and they'd be plumb tickled t'mail ya a whole bunch of 'em from ours. Lord knows our recipients don't seem to be usin' 'em.

Moral of the story: She really needs to stop calling herself/being referred to as a mother.