Some people

He said nothing wrong or impertinent. Why should he shut up?

Truer words were never spoken
"Judicial independence does not equal judicial supremacy."
Of course, I suppose you may have meant Nancy
"Mr. DeLay's escalating threats aimed at intimidating the federal judiciary fundamentally disrespect our Constitutional framework and dishonor the oath we take as public officials to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Mr. DeLay's remarks are unworthy of a leader,"

It's now a threat to suggest someone takes responsibility for their actions?
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (search) came under more fire Friday for his comments suggesting that judges who refused to further consider the Terri Schiavo (search) case could one day pay for their decisions.

Key word: could.

Monkeys could fly out of my ass too.

It ain't hard to trace this mess. Klinton was up to his groin in controversy and misdeeds. Eight years we were forced to endure his shenanigans. Now, as we approach another eight year presidency, Bush is morally clean thus far (at least, he keeps his pants on in the Oral Office) so the Demos need a target. DeLay has made himself such. They want blood. They might get it. I don't think they will, and I also don't know if they have a right to any.
SouthernN'Proud said:
the Demos need a target. DeLay has made himself such. They want blood. They might get it. I don't think they will, and I also don't know if they have a right to any.

Funny thing is, the media has already found plenty of cases of Dems hiring their family members. Where's the coverage in the general press? For that matter, so's not illegal to hire the wife & kids.