Somebody call Nero...

If only we could trade (R) & (D) for conservatives (no, we don't nee any liberals). But hey, we do hafe to remember, that these illegal aliens are breathing bodies & that means they might vote.
Reid labeled as "confusing" Frist's position on a compromise put together by Sens. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., and Mel Martinez, R-Fla., that collapsed last Friday after Democrats refused to allow votes on several amendments to it.

Now...not knowing exactly what those amendments were...if this were as important as the Democrats say it is, why would they block it?
The irony here;

The Democrats were the ones that initially put the felony section into this bill, in order to stop its progress. When it started to go thru, they panicked.
The Dems started this in 65
(removing the felony thing)

their eventual victory is assured

yep I'm goin' down this week and de-register from the voter rolls and join S & P in ignorance!

(tempted to delay long enough to vote against McCain one more time though)
You know, everyone seems to ignore the fzct that the illegal immigrants were all granted amnesty (and that's exactly what they called it) once before. I was against it then, I'm against it now. I do notice that it utterly failed to destroy the country or the economy.

For ten points, name the president under who's administration this occurred?
chcr said:
You know, everyone seems to ignore the fzct that the illegal immigrants were all granted amnesty (and that's exactly what they called it) once before. I was against it then, I'm against it now. I do notice that it utterly failed to destroy the country or the economy.

For ten points, name the president under who's administration this occurred?

Amnesty. Not citizenship. Not clemency. Amnesty. The crime you comitted yesterday is forgiven. If you're still here tomorrow, that's a whole new crime.
When Reagan did it, many of us were unhappy. The tradeoff at the time was more border security & enforcement of rules. They forgot that part. This time, we don't want to give them a chance to forget.

Remember, the gov't estimates 11 million illegals. That means 20-30 million. Give them amnesty & they then have the opportunity to step to the front of the line, bypassing tens of thousands who are doing it legally from the outset. Once they apply for & recievve some speacial dispensation, they can then bring their spouse, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, parents, blah blah blah-di-da-blah. So 25,000,000 now looks like 125,000,000 & that doesn't count the next wave of illegals looking for special dispensation.