Someone feed the rat, willya?


Well-Known Member
Well, my comp at work crapped out on me. SAP won't accept my logins anymore. And since I'm overdue to migrate to XP from W2K, that's what they're doing to it instead of solving the problem. And while it's cloning, guess what? I get to use my emergency backup compy, a CPQ deskpro 4000. Pentium 200 running NT4.0 that I've been hiding under my desk forever. Sadly, I've not noticed much of a performance drop over the Pentium 4 it's replacing. Maybe because I installed this one myself as opposed to the 'image' the desktop support guys are slapping on everyone's machine.
guess it depends what work you are doing on it ... we have some right old museum peices here an all ..but they are just internet research pc's ..

they do the job ...:shrug:

... the rest are pretty hot tho ! :D

so, what do you do Prof?

I work in video production / Television (very rarely & far too occasionally film production ...)

best, BB
I fix other people's computers. For some reason, the bosses here don't want me touching our own tho. Frankly, I think they may be afraid.

I'm one of the highest certified comp techs in montreal. Most people move along before they reach my level, to higher paying jobs. I've stuck to hardware tho. At least when they make mistakes, there's a good reason for it.
the gary glitter factor heh?

our IT guy just left, just now .. frankly, the beer ran out ...

i'm gonna be here till late, so it's the local 7/11 fer more beer, pretty soonish ... and a chinese fer me tea...

good job? do you enjoy it?

you know, enjoying what you do is pretty much the main friggin gig to my mind ..or at least not hating what you do ... y'know?
Used to. Ran out of customers to make fun of, tho.

Actually, the dept I worked for depended on one single major client. When that client asked us to expand our service to cover all it's needs, the idiot boss told them it was too much. Our competition didn't think it was and they've got the entire contract now. I got transfered to internal and now work in a lab with no windows maintaining a fleet of obsolete Thinkpads.
ah, plenty of time online then heh?

another worker/ poster i take it! (join the club!) know ..i do wonder how much work da Bish manages to actually get done with all the sites he is on!! :D

course', there's no one here can tell me diddly squat ... mind, i do have to log off pretty sharpish occasionally ... if anyone ever saw some of the shit i write online ... :grinyes: :eek5: :eek5: :eek5: ... me reputation'd be down the swanny faster than a public policy promise in election year ...

Considering what Bish has to look forward to if he gets canned for netting at work, I'd think he'd be more circumspect. But then, I know bish better than that.

BB, what I do is keep something important on a hotkey. Not that it matters. My boss knows I web all the time. The one time he tried to make a deal of it, I asked him to give me one problem that his support team hadn't been able to resolve. I had the answer for him within 5 minutes, with absolutely no prior work done on the issue myself. That was the last I heard said on the issue.