Someone out there's has to have an answer for this.


Well-Known Member
My hair is straight. Deadly straight. Gel, mousse, spray .... they all fail. Curling irons, blow driers .... no effect. Within an hour, my hair has always reverted to it's normal form. I've even had to restrict myself on one barber who knows me and knows my hair to avoid going "Alfalfa" from being clipped too short on top.

Well for some bizarre reason, all my grey hair is crinkly. All of it, even the grey in my beard and moustache is doing it. The reason I bring it up is because I've got one whisker in my moustache with is actually curling around and tickling my nose. I'm gonna cut it in a minute, but it's been driving me nuts for days.

But why the hell is this going on?
I have no idea. I noticed that once in a while I'll get a hair in my eyebrows that is unnaturally dark and thick. Typically, when I pluck it, it comes out really easy and doesn't have much of a skin tag. I wonder if it has something to do with gray hair being less strong and not as thick.

But I found this:

Professur said:
I've got one whisker in my moustache with is actually curling around and tickling my nose.
very funny. :laugh:
It would appear that at the same time the root sac is starting to no longer generate melanin, it is also starting to disjoint the sulphur protein mix as it spits the hair out. As the length of these protein/sulphur chains start to lengthen, the protein will bend. Also, hair lacking fully functioning melanin no longer hold much moisture nor retain what little is there. That also can account for a kinking up effect.
Hm, my gr.. I mean, my friend's gray hairs are thinner and weaker than the regular hair, and seems to curl up a bit more.

I noticed that once in a while I'll get a hair in my eyebrows that is unnaturally dark and thick. Typically, when I pluck it, it comes out really easy and doesn't have much of a skin tag.
I sometimes come across hairs like that on my head. I notice them more easily now since I've lost a lot of hair. First time I saw one I thought "When the hell did I start growing pubic hair on my scalp..??"