someone should help me with this ... css question


New Member
ok... go to . you will note the (new!) pretty link colors..... and no visible text other than things i've designated as specific colors with specific tags.

this is because i am messing with my site. and i have a css thingy, and it looks like this:


a:link { color: #CC6699; text-decoration: none; }
a:visited { color: #CC66CC; text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { color=#99CCCC; text-decoration: underline; }
a:active { color=#CC6699; text-decoration: underline; }

so yah! that controls the scrollybar, and the link colors. i've got that.
however, when i uploaded it and refreshed my page, my text had turned black. which is weird cos it was white before, and i edited no code to turn it black.
there is also no code in the individual pages that even indicated a main font color.

so... why is it black now... and, more importantly, how do i fix it!!??
btw! even when i changed my stylesheet back to how it had been before when everything worked.... it still was black.
so i can't even change it back to working :(
and that's bad :crying4:
Is it possible your viewed links are set to the colour your seeing not seeing this would be a Browser cache issue ,clear temp internet files and cache and see if they are the correct colour.

I did a screen shot of what I see (64kb)

Should add ,I know nothing of this CSS you speak so my help may not actually be of any use :confused:
I looked at the source of one of your pages. here is what you could do.

change the "body" line in your css file to look like this

body { SCROLLBAR-BASE-COLOR: #CC6699; color:#FFFFFF }

That would make your text white. Alternatively you could do this.

body { SCROLLBAR-BASE-COLOR: #CC6699; background:#000000; color:#FFFFFF}

Then you could delete the <BODY bgcolor= #000000> tags on your individual pages because the stylesheet would make the background black. This way, you could dynamically change the background and text colors whenever you want all from your stylesheet. :D
Correction. If you do it the second way, you don't want to delete the entire <BODY bgcolor= #000000> tag on each page. Just the "bgcolor= #000000" part. Whew... saved myself some embarassment. I gotta sound like I know what I'm talking about, right?
ash r said:
ok... go to . you will note the (new!) pretty link colors..... and no visible text other than things i've designated as specific colors with specific tags.

this is because i am messing with my site. and i have a css thingy, and it looks like this:


a:link { color: #CC6699; text-decoration: none; }
a:visited { color: #CC66CC; text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { color=#99CCCC; text-decoration: underline; }
a:active { color=#CC6699; text-decoration: underline; }

so yah! that controls the scrollybar, and the link colors. i've got that.
however, when i uploaded it and refreshed my page, my text had turned black. which is weird cos it was white before, and i edited no code to turn it black.
there is also no code in the individual pages that even indicated a main font color.

so... why is it black now... and, more importantly, how do i fix it!!??

Neither your CSS nor your index.html specify the color of your text. So its the default: black.

My guess to what happened was that the <body> tag got changed when adding the style sheets. Dunno really. But don't worry, its easy to fix.....just add the font color to your styles.css to make the change globally (to all pages who have the styles.css linked).
body {
	color: #FFFFFF;