something weird @ my doctor's office


New Member
i just called for an appointment because i think i have an ear infection (which hurts like hell, by the way), and the receptionist can't find my name in the computer, and can't find my file anywhere. they don't have any record of me ever going to that doctor, and i've been seeing him for at least 10 years.

i first gave them my married name, and when they couldn't find that, i tried my maiden name, a nothing. weird, huh :alienhuh:

the last time i remember going to him was about 2 years ago, for strep throat. but i haven't been to him lately 'cause i've been only seeing my obgyn for all these babies that have been popping out of me :D
That is pretty strange. Most physicians keep their records for at least 3 years, with many holding on to them for 5-10 years - or at least keeping them in some sort of offsite storage for 5 years...
That's very strange. maybe the receptionist is new, or a temp and doesn't know where things are. Otherwise, maybe they put them in the wrong place and now can't find your file.