something's seriously wrong ...


New Member
'cause i gotta pee like hell and i'm sitting here saying i'll read "just one more thread" ... well actually, here i am posting a new one :lloyd:
My ultimate plan is put a tv, computer, hotplate, and minifridge right in the bathroom so I need not move more than once a week.

They cursed us. "couch potato" they called us. They cursed us and drove us away... And we wept, precious. We wept, to be so alone... And we forgot the taste of bread, the sound of trees, the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name. My Precious.
I do that, but for work reasons. I'll plan my bathroom trips so I can be more productive. And I usually take paperwork with me to drop off or ask people about along the way. But by that time, I have to go so bad that I just run straight to the bathroom and hit them on the way back.

I've got issues.
greenfreak said:
I do that, but for work reasons. I'll plan my bathroom trips so I can be more productive. And I usually take paperwork with me to drop off or ask people about along the way. But by that time, I have to go so bad that I just run straight to the bathroom and hit them on the way back.

I've got issues.

I'd consider getting a laptop and turning on the wireless on my router, but my toilet is just the right height that if I sit on it for longer than half an hour or so my feet fall asleep.
OK, seriously SL...that is FUBAR'd!

I thought packing up my laptop and taking it home with me because the computer at home is in my brother's room and I don't want to go ALL WEEKEND without net access was a little extreme at times but now I see I am tame... :alienhuh: