Sometimes you gotta coach 'em a little


Southern Discomfort
from Bold type is my edit.

Students at a high school in New Jersey want the principal removed because she asked a student to talk about growing up in a single-parent household during a Black History Month assembly, according to WCBS.

Students are calling principal Renee Pollack at Maplewood High School racially insensitive and want her removed from her post.

A student says Pollack asked her to give an oral presentation about living in a fatherless household in order to illustrate it difficulties and the obstacles it creates. The student says she didn't realize it was offensive until later. Another student said the presentation sends the wrong message to the students.


For the moment, let's forget the fact that such a presentation is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine in the first place. Kids go to school to learn how to read, write, and count...not to get indoctrinated on PC multi-culti sensitivity bullshit. That's for college. :D

You mean to tell me that someone said something, it didn't bother you at all, but LATER after someone else whispers in your ear, NOW yer pissed off? We got a term for that down this way. Shit stirrer. We don't, however, have a use for them...just a name.
Was the discussion about BLACK fatherless households or fatherless households in general? Of course,as Mike pointed out, there is no need for this dicussion at all.
Well, anytime you talk about a fatherless household during Black History Month, you simply MUST be implying that blacks only grow up in fatherless homes. That's really kind of a crazy stereotype because most of what white America knows of black families is from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or the Cosby Show, both of which had the father of the family present. :D
How do you guys still trust posts about tonguetied after seeing how they leave out big chucks of the story just to get white christian males to feel oppressed?

There's no credibiity to these stories without a link to the original article or even the article at tonguetied. It may be 100% accurate, but hell how many times do you get fooled before you decide to check out the full story first?
Because if the specific incident isn't precisely perfect, there are 100 or 1000 or 10000 times it is & not reported.
So having both sides of the full story isn't needed? I thought you didn't like sensationalism? long as you agree.
flavio said:
There's no credibiity to these stories without a link to the original article or even the article at tonguetied. It may be 100% accurate, but hell how many times do you get fooled before you decide to check out the full story first?
I suppose you haven't noticed that tonguetied credits the stories it posts. In this case, "according to WCBS."

If you went to tonguetied, which I doubt, you would have seen that every story they report HAS a link. Every time. You'd also notice that this, like everthing I borrow from them, lists the source in the story. But since you're whining (gasp) I must conclude that you have not in fact been there, thus rendering your latter arguments as full of shit as we all knew they would be before you hit the "submit post" button.

Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot...
SouthernN'Proud said:

If you went to tonguetied, which I doubt, you would have seen that every story they report HAS a link. Every time.
If noticed. I also have notice that you, unlike everyone else on the board, do not provide a link to the tonguetied article. Every time.

That means you have to go to tonguetied, search for the article you referenced, and then get the link to the original article if you want the whole story.

Obviously you are discouraging this and most people obviously aren't doing it before they post just like you wanted and you are as full of shit as you knew you would be.

I'll tell you the village if you tell us where you grew up.
Obviously, you'll never become a millionaire reading minds. I paste the entire article. Every time. With cited source. If typing in 17 keystrokes is too much trouble for you to read something you're interested in, that ain't my fault. Guess it's another handout you think you're entitled to. You ain't. Not from me anyway. Go get it yourself if you want the article.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Guess it's another handout you think you're entitled to.
What other handout do I think I'm entitled to? You going to evade this question too?

Go get it yourself if you want the article.
Oh, Snp can't be held to the same standards everone else on the board uses. Guess you're entitled to handouts eh?