Soon to be Friendly Fire accidents


molṑn labé
Staff member

Opposition to a war on Iraq has a long way to go before it rivals the draft-card burnings and demonstrations against the war in Vietnam in the 1960s, but a new anti-war movement is growing muscle. Some Canadians already have left for Iraq to serve as human shields against bomb attacks on Baghdad. More will follow before Christmas.
Well, my heart is pumping purple piss for those traitors, and I hung my head in shame as a Canadian to see other Canadians so anxious to protect the enemy that are willing to kill their fellow Canadians and American neighbors.

I wouldn't classify hitting them as friendly fire though. More like purifying the gene pool. ;)
Don't for a minute believe it's only Canadians. I'm sure there are even more US dumbasses doing the same thing. The US media simply hasn't seen fit to cover it.
Friendly fire is an accidental attack on allied forces. If someone chooses to be with the enemy, they are no longer friendly. ;)