Sooo...former hotel folk


New Member
Prof? Bishy? Paul?
Supposing someone were to go into a hotel and ask to speak to the manage and tell them that they were a Daisy scout leader whose troop was tasked to create little miniature toiletry kits for the local homeless organization and needed donations of little soaps, shampoos, and whatnot...think they'd be willing to cough up the goods?
I would think it a little off putting to have your hotel Logo displayed in the gutter. :shrug: Just sayin' is all.
I'd invite you to talk to our manager. But given that a: the hotel I worked for went bankrupt, and b: your target audience aren't likely to generate much in the way of ad revenu ... I'd say not.

However, if you were to find a hotel that had just changed brands .... Dunno how often that happens in Atlanta, but in montreal, hotel's change affiliation every other week.
Hit up Wal-Mart, Walgreen's, Albertsons, etc., or any other place that sells trial-size goods, if the hotel thing doesn't work.
maybe try putting on a white coat with a clipboard and impounding all the stuff on health and safety grounds?

Or ... act like a tourist ..and just rob all the soap?

(get the scouts to do it - they are minors and thus exempt from prosecution ... give 'em a new badge ..a kinda 21st century 'be prepared to do anything' badge??)

er- what do you need the soap for anyways?

best, BB
I'm gonna try the Kroger but I don't think Walmart will be minded.

You might be surprised. I always live by the motto...............It never hurts to ask. You have a 50/50 chance of getting something out of them. And, you might try the "Well, I got 25 bottles of shampoo and conditioner from Kroger" as a motivational tool..................:shrug:
I might if I am in a Walmart anytime soon, we don't really live near one. The Target might help, though....and CVS.
Prof? Bishy? Paul?
Supposing someone were to go into a hotel and ask to speak to the manage and tell them that they were a Daisy scout leader whose troop was tasked to create little miniature toiletry kits for the local homeless organization and needed donations of little soaps, shampoos, and whatnot...think they'd be willing to cough up the goods?

Take one of the Youngin's with you ,heck works for the JW's in keeping down the profanity when they ask for a moment of my time. :eek3:
can you get your hands on a Koala bear?

Everyone loves a koala bear ... very hard to to be uptight looking at a koala bear.
Now you're thinking, tonks! Always take a child with you, so they can put on the pouty face! All kidding aside, our local WalMart most always will donate 'something' for a worthy cause. If they don't want to donate the goods, then ask them for a $100 (or more if you want) WalMart Gift card so that you can actually 'purchase' the items from the store.
Well.....I think by the time I flew to the nearest zoo with a koala I could have just bought all the crap I need and wouldn't have to deal with airport security.
Now you're thinking, tonks! Always take a child with you, so they can put on the pouty face! All kidding aside, our local WalMart most always will donate 'something' for a worthy cause. If they don't want to donate the goods, then ask them for a $100 (or more if you want) WalMart Gift card so that you can actually 'purchase' the items from the store.

I didn't think of the gift card! I'll do it!....Next time I'm out that way.
I just never got a warm fuzzy feeling from my Walmart.