Sopranos Final Episode... *spoiler*


New Member
Am I the only one who saw the ending with Tony getting shot?.. In the beginning of the season, he was talking with Bobby on the boat about what it would be like to get shot, would you even hear the shot.
I think that guy came out of the bathroom with a gun and shot Tony while he was watching Meadow come in the door. The last angle was from Tony's point of view, and when he was shot, he didn't hear a sound, just darkness, and the end. Seeing as we see the show through his eyes, he's the main character, once he is dead, the show is over. Roll credits.
Maybe I am reading something into nothing because on the surface it is a very unsatisfying ending, but it does seem up HBO's alley to imply it rather than show it.
how did you interpret the ending?
Never seen an episode. Were they all thrown in jail, ala the Teflon Don, or were they burned down, ala Godfather?
Sopranos...wasn't that like a TV show or something? I heard a couple people watched it sometimes. Supposed to be about these two opera singers who killed people or something, right?

No, sorry, didn't catch it. Too busy living.