South Africa


Alright, I've been wondering for a while about this. I'm asking those folks here thats old enough to know about South Africa. During the 1970's and 1980's, what was the common public opinion in your area regarding South Africa? What did the media tell you? What was your own opinion?

Myself, well I was born there, but we moved out pretty soon, and I don't exactly remember much of the conditions.

South Africa used to be a first-world nation with a reasonable space program, more advanced than the Chinese one was at that time. Right now, its heading Zimbabwe's way which is right down the toilet. AIDS is killing the people and the economic conditions are terrible from what my family there tell me.

Apartheit was a bad thing. Right now there may be more freedom and a "democracy", but under the old government people actually had food and an education (no, not just the whites, the government had universal education in the respected regions).
Mass public attention on the world scene wasn't paid towards RSA until like the late 80s ... and of course that was pretty much the whole Mandela/apartheid thing and the way businesses were pulling out in protest. It was the bastard stepchild whipping boy of the day.

Scuttlebutt around my circle of friends always spoke of their arms industry and the quiet talk that they and the Israelis cooperated on their nuclear programs and that they both have nukes from it.
unclehobart said:
Mass public attention on the world scene wasn't paid towards RSA until like the late 80s ... and of course that was pretty much the whole Mandela/apartheid thing and the way businesses were pulling out in protest. It was the bastard stepchild whipping boy of the day.

Scuttlebutt around my circle of friends always spoke of their arms industry and the quiet talk that they and the Israelis cooperated on their nuclear programs and that they both have nukes from it.

Man, I should have seen this thread WAAAAYYYY sooner.

We used to have nukes...SA was one of the first countries to de-nuke ya know.

Man, I seriously should have seen this kak when that Jeslek oke was still around...
So the white folks spirited the nukes outta the country
before they turned the place over to the blacks? Heh good deal!
AlphaTroll said:
Man, I seriously should have seen this kak when that Jeslek oke was still around...
I`m kinda glad you didn`t, it wouldn`t have ended well :sick: