
Piss-poor trailer. If its meant to stir interest, it failed dismally in my case...and I've been a fan since TOS.
Winona Rider?
:shrug: I think she likes sci-fi. She was in the last "Alien."
Piss-poor trailer. If its meant to stir interest, it failed dismally in my case...and I've been a fan since TOS.
It's a teaser that was only shown before "Cloverfield." Thus the cuts and jumps. I think it might be interesting to see what Abrams does with it. It will be different, although I realize some of the "trekkers" don't like different.
Any ideas? That looks like he's going towards ST:Enterprise without Cap't Baccula (sic) (only saw a handful of episodes)
The new movie will take place between ST:Enterprise and TOS. It will feature Kirk, Spock, et. al, and Capt. Pike. You may recall Pike from two TOS episodes, including the pilot; he was the captain of the Enterprise immediately prior to Kirk.

...That was all based on what I knew from having read about this in magazines; now for some research:

From (try not to read if you don't want to know the basic plot devised so far):
The film explores the origins of James T. Kirk, Spock and the crew of the USS Enterprise from the original "Star Trek" series and how these iconic characters came together. According to rumors, the story involves an elder Spock (Nimoy) and a group of Romulans (led by Nero, played by Bana) being transplanted into the past where Spock must prevent the Romulans from irreparably damaging the timeline. To do so, he will have to enlist the assistance of his younger self (Quinto).

Chris Pine ... Kirk (Chris Pine is the son of actor Robert Pine, the Sarge from "CHiPs")
Zachary Quinto ... Spock (You may know him from "Heroes" and "24")
Eric Bana ... Nero (Munich, Troy, Hulk, Black Hawk Down)
Winona Ryder ... Amanda Grayson
Zoe Saldana ... Nyota Uhura
Karl Urban ... Leonard 'Bones' McCoy (Doom, The Bourne Supremacy, LotR: The Two Towers and Return of the King)
Bruce Greenwood ... Christopher Pike
John Cho ... Sulu (Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle)
Leonard Nimoy ... Spock
Simon Pegg ... Scotty (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead)
Anton Yelchin ... Pavel Chekov

other cast:
Jennifer Morrison ("House, MD")
Tyler Perry ("House of Payne")
Ben Cross ... Sarek
Chris Hemsworth ... George Kirk
Clifton Collins Jr. ... Ayel
Sonita Henry
Paul McGillion