Spam... some need help!

It's all about the timing. Ever fucked someone and wish later you'd had some divine intervention to stop it from happening?
Inkara1 said:
It's all about the timing. Ever fucked someone and wish later you'd had some divine intervention to stop it from happening?

Wow! Aaron... so profound... prophetic... so bloody true!!!!

But that is about the only time...

And did you know that 60% of all erectile disfunction problems can be linked to diabetes... source: some chick mag floating around the office.

I've "dated" 2 diabetics... :mope:
Inkara1 said:
Does your personal experience match the results of that study?

Now if I'd done (or attempted to do) 10 and 6 were sadly "lacking". then yes...

As it is of the two one was... well... needed a little... promotion and often even that would fail... but he was a wonderful, sensitive caring lover in other ways...

The other... HELL NO! Insatiable (and ladies "not exactly delicately propartioned") ... but not quite as nice a person...

So, basically, your results are as close as would be possible to theirs given your small sample size. 50/50 isn't that far from 60/40, really.
Inkara1 said:
So, basically, your results are as close as would be possible to theirs given your small sample size. 50/50 isn't that far from 60/40, really.

Ahhhhh! Didin't think of it like that... stats was never my strong point... along with everything else!!!!! :tardbang:
Theres a tribe in sub - saharan Africa that constantly have semi erect penises, maybe they could benefit from penile dysfunction every once in a while.
Inkara1 said:
It's all about the timing. Ever fucked someone and wish later you'd had some divine intervention to stop it from happening? tell us more of this. is this a "can't think clearly for the animal lust" kinda thing or do you just not weigh the issue beforehand?
tonksy said: tell us more of this. is this a "can't think clearly for the animal lust" kinda thing or do you just not weigh the issue beforehand?

Its personal choice Tonks... you either "live" or you don't...

Promiscuity isn't a crime... a sin but not a crime, but then isn't jealousy also considered a sin by some? :shrug:
ClaireBear said:
Its personal choice Tonks... you either "live" or you don't...

Promiscuity isn't a crime... a sin but not a crime, but then isn't jealousy also considered a sin by some? :shrug:
oh i am not dissing promiscuity...really i'm not. i just make my decision and go with it. regreting something like that is odd...if you decide you don't like the person afterall then you can move along. but regretting something that you can't take back is counterproductive.
tonksy said:
oh i am not dissing promiscuity...really i'm not. i just make my decision and go with it. regreting something like that is odd...if you decide you don't like the person afterall then you can move along. but regretting something that you can't take back is counterproductive.

Counterproductive yes but a normal human state of mind... also yes!

Times that you may regret it...

Laying an ex you know was really really bad news for you the first time...
Laying your sisters boyfriends best mate (not as best man and maid of honour!) making things a bit "icky" from then on...

And they're just mine!!! They're many other occasions that can have that "Oh Lord! If I thought this would lead to this I'd have stopped at the bedroom door!" effect!
Lopan said:
Theres a tribe in sub - saharan Africa that constantly have semi erect penises, maybe they could benefit from penile dysfunction every once in a while.
Where exactly do they reside and what is the approximate airfare from NYC? :devious:
ClaireBear said:
Counterproductive yes but a normal human state of mind... also yes!

Times that you may regret it...

Laying an ex you know was really really bad news for you the first time...
Laying your sisters boyfriends best mate (not as best man and maid of honour!) making things a bit "icky" from then on...

And they're just mine!!! They're many other occasions that can have that "Oh Lord! If I thought this would lead to this I'd have stopped at the bedroom door!" effect!
yeah...i've only got one of those...but i regret my weakness and not the event itself....i also regret leaving the individual in question with breath in his lungs too...but that's besides the point.
tonksy said:
yeah...i've only got one of those...but i regret my weakness and not the event itself....i also regret leaving the individual in question with breath in his lungs too...but that's besides the point.

Oh yes!

I never regret the actual deed... unless it really is bad.. like very bad!... but more the unforseen outcome!
Why worry about something once it's done though? It's not like it'll change anything thats already happened and all it does is make you feel worse about the y'see if you don't worry about it once it's all over and done with and put the past behind you it'll just keep coming back to haunt you and make you feel bad about yerself....not really something I'd like to happen.
abooja said:
Where exactly do they reside and what is the approximate airfare from NYC? :devious:

Sub - sahara, they should be easy to pick out. They're the ones with the semi's on. I think there is a picture of them on national geographic, thats where I saw them anyway.
Lopan said:
Sub - sahara, they should be easy to pick out. They're the ones with the semi's on. I think there is a picture of them on national geographic, thats where I saw them anyway.

They're still running that photo of me 'going native' in Somalia? :eek: