($^$(#@&*(@) spasm @#(&%)-(&()


molṑn labé
Staff member
[hissy fit]Since when are we supposed to be nice to criminals.[/hissy fit]

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Friday police raids on dozens of U.S. Wal-Mart stores in the search for illegal immigrants this week amounted to "terrorizing" workers.

"It instills a great deal of fear in people who are only trying to earn a living and put food on the table for their family," Pelosi, a California Democrat, told reporters on a Congressional visit to Mexico.

Hundreds of workers at Wal-Mart Stores Inc. locations across the United States were arrested on immigration charges on Thursday in an investigation into contractor cleaning crews.

"We think there might be a better way to go about this because the fact is that it is against the law for the employer to hire these people so there should be more focus on the employer and less in these terrorizing raids," Pelosi said.

She was speaking after meeting Mexican President Vicente Fox (news - web sites) for talks on immigration and border security.

Pelosi said the Wal-Mart raids showed the need to legalize undocumented workers in parts of the economy other than just the agricultural sector.

Several bills to grant legal status to illegal immigrants working in U.S. agriculture are before Congress, including the Berman-Cannon bill which would let an estimated 500,000 illegal immigrants earn legal residency.

:eyepop: :box: :spank: *poke* :horse: :smash: :eek6: :spank2: *handonhip :bash: :hafnha:
You do realize that they weren't WalMart employees, right? Thats what the complaint is. Instead of handling it through the company they were employed by, the raids were conducted at WalMart stores, giving the appearence that WalMart was the offender....I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate your place of business being put in that light.
I think there are some fed regulations for companies over 200 employees that makes employers responsible for everything within the food chain regardless of wether they are a subcontractor or not so that fines may be levied with abandon and companies cannot seek to circumvent existing law by going through a proxy and trying to proclaim innocence.
Pelosi said the Wal-Mart raids showed the need to legalize undocumented workers in parts of the economy other than just the agricultural sector.

Several bills to grant legal status to illegal immigrants working in U.S. agriculture are before Congress, including the Berman-Cannon bill which would let an estimated 500,000 illegal immigrants earn legal residency.

This is the main part that kills me.
It all about money in this country.
It cost less to legalize them ,than to seal the boarder.
And the other argument is that it's "supposedly good" of the economy.
Then there's the "they do jobs others won't" argument.

I've got rants on all of these, but I to lazy right now to go into it.
(where's one of them immergreants when ye need um.) :D
Squiggy said:
You do realize that they weren't WalMart employees, right? Thats what the complaint is. Instead of handling it through the company they were employed by, the raids were conducted at WalMart stores, giving the appearence that WalMart was the offender....I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate your place of business being put in that light.

They were a contracted cleaning company, yes I realize that. Rumor has it the feds went into the Wally World offices & found documents that the brass knew the company they hired employed illegals. We'll see how this turns out. That's why Wally World is now going over their employee record.

What drives me to teh edge of madness wasn't what Wal-MArt did but what Pelosi said...she is an American politician isn't she, sworn to uphold the laws :rolleyes: