Speaker Pelosi


molṑn labé
Staff member
Scares the bejezus out of me.

When Bush announced his Social Security plan last year, Pelosi told House Democrats they could never beat him in a straight-ahead, policy-against-policy debate because he had the megaphone of the presidency and was just coming off re-election. So the Democrats would thunderously attack Bush and argue there was no Social Security crisis and therefore no need for them to put out their own proposal. Some members were leery, concerned that Pelosi would make the Democrats look like the Party of No. As the spring of 2005 wore on, some pestered her every week, asking when they were going to release a rival plan. "Never. Is never good enough for you?" Pelosi defiantly said to one member

Time Mag talks to a nut bag.

Slick Willie said:
"Social Security will run out money in 35 years, Medicare in 16 years. We cannot, we will not allow that to happen."