Spend a few hours in the deep freeze.


New Member
One day, it may save your life. But, it's still creepy as hell.

SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.
US scientists have succeeded in reviving the dogs after three hours of clinical death, paving the way for trials on humans within years.

It's like Pet Sematary. :eek:

It's a proven fact that those who drown in cold waters have been able to be revived a long time after their heart ceases. But the full scope of the brain damage can't be realized in a dog.

Tests show they are perfectly normal, with no brain damage.
How is that possible? From what I was taught, when you stop supplying blood and oxygen to the brain, you have only a few precious minutes before damage sets in. I don't understand how this can be done without any damage.
greenfreak said:
It's like Pet Sematary. :eek:

It's a proven fact that those who drown in cold waters have been able to be revived a long time after their heart ceases. But the full scope of the brain damage can't be realized in a dog.

How is that possible? From what I was taught, when you stop supplying blood and oxygen to the brain, you have only a few precious minutes before damage sets in. I don't understand how this can be done without any damage.

the saying is they aren't dead until they are warm and dead.

body hibernates in extremem sudden cold

so they reanimated dogs, only side effect was they dogs wanted ot eat brains

greenfreak said:
It's like Pet Sematary. :eek:

It's a proven fact that those who drown in cold waters have been able to be revived a long time after their heart ceases. But the full scope of the brain damage can't be realized in a dog.

How is that possible? From what I was taught, when you stop supplying blood and oxygen to the brain, you have only a few precious minutes before damage sets in. I don't understand how this can be done without any damage.

Yeah-does sound like a Pet semetary story-or a Cujo......
Even though it doesn't say anything about it in the article that picture of the dog and the term zombie gives me the feeling the dogs are...unpleasant to say the least after being revived...:eyebrow: