spending an hour in hot topic against my will.


New Member
today, i went to the mall with my mom and dad. they were there to get a gift for my aunt and uncle. id just gone with them, to get the hell out of my house.
to avoid boredom -- or so i thought --, i begged to be allowed to wander into hot topic.
for those that dont know, hot topic is a (trendy) mall-store that sells a lot of punk, raver, goth, etc clothes.
my parents made me PROMISE to stay in the store, until they came back for me.
i don't buy the clothes, because they're disgustingly overpriced for such poor quality, but i do buy accessories.
today, i looked at the piercing jewelery, and bought my 18gauge cbr for my cartilidge there, instead of at the piercing place. i talked about that yesterday, in my thread about my trip to the piercing place.
i wandered for a while, and sang along with the AFI songs that were being played in the store.
and then i started getting bored.
i bought some pins: Curious George for my friend linda, and Bettie Page for myself.
i stood around some more. and some more. and sang along to more afi. by this point, some songs were being repeated.
i talked to the salespeople a little.
then, i *gasp!* left the store. i sat against the railing just outside of the store. but i got bored and i was in the way, and having never used the type of ring i'd gotten, i needed to ask how.
so i went back in the store. i talked to the nice salesgirl with the piercings and long pink hair, and she told me how to do it. i tried, but i could not get the ball thingy in. "it takes practice," she said. sadly, she was not allowed to do it for me. so she gave me a little baggie to put the ball thingy in, to try at home.
i then stood around yet again. by this point, i'd heard a few afi songs three times. i was beginning to get sick of them. somehow. i never thought that was possible, but it was happening.
i started worrying about my parents. they were taking much much longer than expected.
i sat down on the floor, just inside the entrance. people looked at me funny. people walking past the store, or people walking into it. i began writing in my journal. i got more funny looks.
i stood up, and wandered around the store, once again. more afi, mixed with the same Donnas songs repeated, as well.
lah lah lah.... doot dah doot...
and then my parents show up!!!
i lunge at them and give them hugs.
i say goodbye to the salespeeps, and we leave:headbang:

Aren't parents annoying when they don't turn up when they are supposed to? Why it almost makes you feel how they must when you don't come home on time! :eek:
i loved that store once. still like it a lot but i liked it better a few years ago when it was less trendy. and your right it is overpirced for not the best quilty. parents should be punctual now dont you think.
my friend calls it "poser land"
... which is funny, because for someone who hated
"posers" as much as she did, she sure did shop there a lot.