Spring Forward

Damn farmers; this was supposed to end last week. Half my clocks were an hour slow then!
The thing with extending it... it was supposed to save energy. So they extend it at the beginning and end, both of which are when it's not as hot out and there's not much harvesting going on. It really doesn't make a lot of sense if it's supposed to be energy savings.
It's not hot out...it's COLD out...people in other parts of the continent are using heat by this time of year Inky
We's Southron. We don't like the cold. The cold = 60 degrees F or below. Shut up prof, I don't care if you jello rassle 13 eskimo grandmothers naked at -20F. I'm smarter than that. :)
And besides, at -20, Jello turns rigid. What you really want is rendered walrus blubber. That perks their nipples right up.
It's not hot out...it's COLD out...people in other parts of the continent are using heat by this time of year Inky

It feels good to finally get some slightly cold weather here. upper 70's during the day but we are finally hitting a wopping 63 at night.