Spy Falcon


New Member
Rob's got it, he don't want it. Can't figure out how to ditch it. He's running Winduhs 2K. All directions for removing it that we have found are for XP. Can anyone help?
On a clean machine, download Trend Micro antispy, ewido antispy, and the updates for them. Install in safe mode.
I don`t remember how to show hidden files in Win2k. But I do remember that the answer is definitely in Start->Help. It`s about the only actual helpful answer in there.
I got the NT directions to work for 2k after a bunch of ends runs.

Spy Falcon was one mean SOB. It started as a fake Windows update installer icon in the system tray. Clicking upon it to see what the update was caused a catastrophic implosion of files, registry rewrites, home page hijack, fake warnings of system crashes, startbar freezing, program files, .dll's galore, backup trojans in the temp files and general clutter, and page redirects... crimminy! The thing was also protected by anti-anti spyware. Once one component was discovered and zapped... or even isolated... the computer would hard freeze.

for joy.

I got rid of it by following this tactical outlay: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic43659.html
I use those guys a lot. I was gonna link you to it but didn`t wanna feel responsible for the downloads it asked for :lloyd:

Glad you got rid of it. That shit`s hella frustrating.
Prolly from some seedy website when he should have been posting here at home...I tell you, never does a man think about how his posting outside of a relationship will effect others around him...serves him right I say! Teach him to cheat on us!
Nope. It waited for probably half a day in cold storage before it popped up. It got past all the filters because it was an executable on demand type of code instead of an outright autobooter style virus.

Damn them for making it look like a windows update. Damn Windows for not letting me download the updates on my own time.
unclehobart said:
Damn them for making it look like a windows update. Damn Windows for not letting me download the updates on my own time.

Umm, you can. Shall I come over there and turn auto updates off for you? It's in the control panel.
Just did it.

All I know is when they did the last major site code overhaul like 6 months back that the updates became automatic. I checked the box to opt out and Windows effing well did it anyway. How nice of them.