Spybot S & D 1.3 released

Thanks a bunch. Gonna do a scan right now.
Edit: Scan complete, nothing exciting. Just 80 or so cookies, nothing evil.
yeah I saw 1.3 somewhere, forget where, and d/l a little while back,
and had problems with it too.
I went back to 1.2.
I think the one I tried before may have been beta or something,
because at the time it wasn't release on their regular site, but
now it is. So I'll probably give it another go, as I'm a big fan of it. ;)
well I just tried this version, and it does seem more stable, and I like the new features.
It also found stuff that the 1.2 ver didn't.
Thanks for the wakeup call PT :wink2:
well I did find one conflict. (so far)
The teatimer doesn't like it when I run folding.
It makes the folding bypass the regular priority in win2k, and pegs the cpu,
making everything slow. So no teatimer thingy here.
I found it humorous how it checked itself. I set it to run on next boot and a popup came up telling me about a potentially dangerous registry change....
Re: Update

catocom said:
New updated definitions for this just came out this morn sometime. ;)
I keep getting !!bad checksum!! when I try to get them...are they working for anyone else? :confuse3:
I'm using the update thing within it...is there a way to go get the updates elsewhere?
on the update page in the proggy, up at the top where it says...
"SpybotSD.de[Europe]" click there.
catocom said:
on the update page in the proggy, up at the top where it says...
"SpybotSD.de[Europe]" click there.

Wahoooooo thanks cat, your a legend...... I always wondered why I had trouble getting the updates