Spyware/ Ad junk..?


Kissy Goddess
Moderator - not sure where to put this - feel free to move it!

Every time I log on, I get this:(see below)

the blue *search* bar at the bottom and the grey search toolbar at the top. I can't get rid of them!! I removed all freeware programs and then ran Spybot and Ad-Aware in Safe Mode. The blue bar floats on top so I can't see the bottom of my regular windows unless I resize the window.


I have determined it's from lop.com but that's all I can manage to find out about it.

I feel your pain, I have one I can't get rid of either :eh:

Microsoft has a decent antispyware now. Maybe that will get it?
I don't get why the others didn't pick it up, that's odd :confuse3: Have you checked for updates on them before running them?

How do I uninstall one of your software products?

There are several methods available to you should you wish to uninstall any of our software products you had previously chosen to install:

- You can go to your Start Menu--Control Panel, then choose the 'Add / Remove Programs' option. Depending on which version of the software you have installed locate 'Lop.com' or 'LOP SEARCH' or 'Window Searching' or ‘'Window Active' or "Browser Enhancer" or "Ultimate Browser Enhancer" or "Search Plugin" from the menu to run the uninstaller.

- Depending on your version You may also be able to locate a globe type icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen (near the clock), right click on it then click Menu. From the main menu you will see a help button on the top right hand corner. Click the help button then choose 'uninstall'.

- Additionally a separate universal uninstall program may be downloaded here

How do I remove Lop.com as my start page?

This depends on what browser you are using:

* If you are using Internet Explorer, click on tools (in the upper portion of your screen), then click Internet options. In the homepage section, type the address you want to use as your homepage, then click "OK". Then click "Ok" and you are done.
* If you are using Netscape Navigator, Using the Netscape Edit menu, go to Preferences. Within Preferences, select the Navigator category. In the Navigator Starts With section, choose Home Page. Type whatever address you want to use as your homepage in the Home Page Location box, and click on OK.
I had something similar and I had to remove it all by hand...that was a pain...mine was omegasearch though, hope you have better luck.
Now how about you fix the problem
that allowed this to happen in the place.
To preclude a replay.

Help her out here folks!
unclehobart said:
Thanks for the link unc, but let me tell you all what happened. After running ccleaner, all the smilies in all the posts on this site disappeared. Weird, huh? I didn't put two and two together until just now. When I opened the "more" smilies" page, they all came back. Anyone else? I wnader if it has to do with my pop-up stopper. :nerd:
whaaaaaaaaaa? That hasn't happened to me *yet*

It does keep taking out the fonts and custom smiles in MSN on me though, cause I'm an idjit and keep forgetting to tell it not to.