spyware question


New Member
i'm asking this on behalf of a friend cos i told him i would.

my friend can't get on the internet because spyware is eating his computer and the removal programs aren't getting all of it.
he went to delete some manually, but there are some that, in the "add/remove programs" thing, when you hit remove, it says something like, "cannot access this web page".
it therefore can't delete it.

he should probably ideally wipe his hard drive and start fresh, but he has 3500 mp3's he wants to get on cd first. and that's not really giving him any problems, but he wants his internet.

so i'm asking if anyone knows a fix for the problem with the "cannot access webpage" thing and stuff.

if you need more details, ask me and i'll try to get them from him.

Download adaware (free version) from lavasoft.com. Burn it to CD for him. Install it on his machine. Restart in safe mode. Run adaware in safe mode.
Oh, final step - stop going to sites that load you up with spyware (like filesharing over the net).