

New Member
So looks like we're going to get more snow. Can you keep me updated on how bad it is by you? Looks like it's going traveling from you, straight to me.

I heard it's not this storm that we have to worry about but that there's another storm behind it that may be another biggie.

I guess I'm not going to the Botanical Gardens this weekend for the Orchid show. :D
I certainly hope you guys keep your cold fronts above the Mason-Dixon line...all my flowers I just planted are not in the mood for any cold snaps.
*my* cold front? Not mine, I don't want it. :grinno: You can have it!!

I hope this one moves faster than the last one, that was the real problem with that storm; that it hovered for so long.

Not lookin good.
Hey, if you look way back in Missouri, that big storm cloud there, that's right over where I live. :(
greenfreak said:
*my* cold front? Not mine, I don't want it. :D You can have it!!
That you guys wasn't directed at you personally...it was more a collective for the whole mitten wearing crowd. :D I prefer my flip flops, thank you very much...:evilgrin:
PT, what are you getting, rain? Snow? Mix of both?

Q, of course I would never wish ill on your new plants!! I made a list of what I need to get this weekend, and it keeps growing (no pun intended) :D

Potting mix for African Violets
Potting medium for Orchids
Orchid fertilizer
Small see-through pot
Fly paper

And considering that one of my AV's isn't doing too well, I might just get another one just like it to save myself the time of regrowing it from scratch. I should also grab my list of "plants to grow" and start getting some seeds. :D
Snow here, about 3 inches last night, supposed to get another inch or two today.
Squiggy said:
Tell me you're NOT looking for pity from us, Hula Girl....:hmm:


And kuu, most high and "dead" volcanoes in here also have snow, and it never melts :D
That's an awful thing to call your wife.

Oh, you said beach. Sorry, dude. I must have heard you wrong.