Started fun.. ended a little scary


Kissy Goddess
Last night, my beau and I went out on a *date*. His ex had his kids, my ex had mine (at my house, he has no place of his own). It was awesome - first we went for dinner at Chili's and ordered 2 different dishes and shared. We talked and giggled and philosophised for a couple hours and then on to a bookstore where we browsed and sat and read for a couple of hours and then off to the movies.

We saw Million Dollar Baby. Oh my God! What a great flick!!

About half way through, we heard someone (a guy) saying, "Alex.... ALEX!.... Hey! Alex...!!" and everyone leaned forward in thier seats to see a guy gently shaking his date.... my heart started to pound and I felt icky in my tummy. He continued on.. "Alex.. can you hear me????!!! Alex!!??"

A lady jumped a row of seats to help. The movie got a little loudish so unless you were right next to her, you couldn't hear what was going on. No body else appeared to be helping, so I went down to see if I could help. (I have first aid... who knows...).

Apparently, the girl was sitting there, with a blank stare - looking at the screen, but not seeing anything. She was unresponsive for a minute, taking shallow breaths and slightly jerking her hands. This is what her boyfriend told me. Then, she felt sick to her stomach. I knew instantly what had happened after he described it to me. She had a petit mal seizure.

They shut down the movie and then after about 15 mins, the paramedics came and hauled her out by stretcher.

They then resumed the movie.

Scary stuff.
No body else appeared to be helping, so I went down to see if I could help. (I have first aid... who knows...).

you get kudos for at least trying to help. I hopethe person will be ok
Many years ago I was shopping in Safeway and I was at the outer ridge of the store... bakery section or something, and suddenly, for no apparent reason, I found myself running down the aisle to the middle of the store. I came across a large man who had fallen down and was seizing. Then it was as though something took over me - probably a massive adrenalin rush..... and helped this guy - shouting orders to people - *Gimme your coat!* *Loosen his belt!* and before I knew it, the Paramedics were there and then *BAM* I sorta *came to* again and it hit me what had happened.

It's something about me - whenever anyone is hurt, or scared - I want to help them - take them in my arms and tell them it'll be ok. Even if they are already in capable hands, I still wanna hug them. It's not necessarily a good thing, either, I actually stress over it if I can't do anything.

So when this other lady who had been sitting in front of them said she had it all under control, I had to reach over to the girl and tell her *you'll be fine*. As though it made a difference.. but really , who knows if it did or didn't?
These are amazing stories, Spirit! Does your job involve using this great gift of yours? If not, maybe it should. :cool:
It is awesome that you jumped in to help. I am sure that everyone else in the theater either a) were asshats and didn't care, b) had no idea what was going on or c) were stunned and didn't know what to do.

That is amazing that you were able to help out in both of those situations. I only hope that if something like that happens to me or someone I am with that someone like you will jump over the grocery store cereal display for me.