Stealing is OK...


Southern Discomfort
...when it suits our supreme purpose I guess.


A strip mall owner in Wisconsin is catching hell for daring to fly a Confederate flag on his private property as part of a display of his collection of some 18 historically significant flags, reports the Green Bay Gazette.

Norm Watermelon is flying the flag outside his history-themed Heritage Village Shoppes in Allouez. But it keeps getting stolen, and a couple locals say that the flag is racist and has no place on public display.

The flag flies alongside an oversized Old Glory; the flag for the battle of the Alamo, a St. George Cross, the Continental flag used at the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775 and a replica of a Betsy Ross original, among others.


Way to claim the moral high road there pal. "Ooohhhh, that awful flag offends ME, I'll just steal it." Putz.

Norm Watermelon? That HAS to be a pseudonym... :confused:

Guess the rights of citizens to behave as they choose on their private property has been usurped. That might come back and bite a few folks some day. God save and protect us all if this is allowed to continue...your yard might be next. Especially if you fly a (fill in the blank college name) football helmet banner and I don't like that team...I now have the right to steal it as it offends me. All these geeks with their Dale Junior crap all over their cars might come outside one day to find that I've removed it from their cars, because I don't like Dale Junior and seeing that 8 everywhere offends me, and this mess gives me the right to remove it lawfully if it offends me. Right?

Must be Monday...ain't even 9:00 and I'm pissed off already.
I guess people feel that breaking the law is ok so long as it is a 'noble' act. Society has been fed a line for so long that the flag is a symbol of oppression from enough sources that they actually believe it without question.
No matter how stupid I think flying the confederate flag is, it's none of my business if it's flown on private property. In this specific case Mr. Cantelope is flying the flag as part of a historical display on private property; it would be hard to object even if this were on public property because of the historical context.
The Stars and Bars itself has nothing to do with racism. Racists do use it but by itself it is only a symbol of rebellion.

Also it was his private property. He should be allowed to press charges against the theives.
WTF??? I answered this earlier damnit!!!

and has no place on public display.

It's okay to call Bush a Nazi but flying a flag on private property is wrong? Freedom only flows one way in the other camp apparently.