Step one towards independence


molṑn labé
Staff member
WASHINGTON - Amid the backdrop of soaring oil and gasoline prices, a sharply divided Senate on Wednesday voted to open the ecologically rich Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling, delivering a major energy policy win for President Bush.

The Senate, by a 51-49 vote, rejected an attempt by Democrats and GOP moderates to remove a refuge drilling provision from next year's budget, preventing opponents from using a filibuster — a tactic that has blocked repeated past attempts to open the Alaska refuge to oil companies.

The action, assuming Congress agrees on a budget, clears the way for approving drilling in the refuge later this year, drilling supporters said.


The elk have fallen in love with the pipeline. This may help more Alaskan critters to better bear winter. Now, if we could just start some damned refineries.
I'm torn on this. Being a nature lover, I really hate to see the Alaskan wilderness destroyed in the name of oil. I am copiously aware of the need for oil, but I wonder if this is really as necessary as the Bush administration would have us believe.

For some reason, I can't seem to get the images of all that virgin wilderness out of my mind. I value wilderness as much if not more than oil. Wild lands are an exhaustable resource. Until all other viable alternatives are depleted, I am mostly opposed to their ruination.

No, I do not hug trees.

Moose, maybe, but not trees.
Do you always drop your pants for a hug?

Hey Gonz. Alberta just fired up a third stage at the oil sands.
Not that I am against using the Alaskan oil, but independence from whom? :shrug:

2003 US Oil Imports:
(Source: U.S News & World Report)

Saudi Arabia: 16.9%
Mexico: 15.1%
Canada: 15.0%
Venezuela: 14.4%
Iraq: 11.4%
Nigeria: 5.9.%
chcr said:
Not that I am against using the Alaskan oil, but independence from whom? :shrug:

2003 US Oil Imports:
(Source: U.S News & World Report)

Saudi Arabia: 16.9%
Mexico: 15.1%
Canada: 15.0%
Venezuela: 14.4%
Iraq: 11.4%
Nigeria: 5.9.%

Hell if I know. I keep hearing how we're dependent on someone for something.

SnP...I consider myself an environmentalist. This, using modern equipment with be barely noticeable AND the area they're going to use is not as pristine as some would have you believe. Also, do you realize the size of Alaska? Imagine a state that is from the Pacific Ocean damn near to the Mississippi & almost Canada to Mexico.
Alaska's a big place, no doubt about it.

So was the American west once upon a time. Care to ask a passing buffalo, or perchance a member of any of the indiginent peoples, how big it is now?