Sticks and stones


Southern Discomfort
The Evening Standard of London says school officials in the UK have banned sexist insults from school playgrounds because they make boys feel superior to girls and might lead to domestic violence.

The National Unions of Teachers has instructed its members to step into any fray in which words like “slag,” “slut,” “lezzie” are heard being uttered by boys. Girls will not be allowed to direct such terms at each other either.

A leaflet circulated to schools says: "Sexist language and playground banter that seeks to legitimise violence against women should be challenged."


Well, I guess that solves that. From this day forward no child in the motherland shall ever be reduced to tears of shame for being called a pussy ever again. The NUT (what a convenient acronym) hath ruled it be so.

Glad they got THAT all settled. I'm sure y'all Brits sleep better at night now, huh?
Here, tell your politicians about this new found right

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is man-slut OK? Oh, wait... a lot of guys would reply to that with "thanks," "hell yeah" or "booyah."