Still one more reason women should avoid Islam


Well-Known Member
Now this clown says that women should avoid shopping for phallic fruits and vegetables because they may have impure thoughts. A male family member (is "member" a bad word in Islam?) should cut the offending produce into small pieces for them before consumption.


Muslim Cleric's Warning: Cucumbers Too Sexy for Women

Published December 08, 2011 |

An Islamic cleric living in Europe reportedly has warned Muslim women not to get too close to bananas, cucumbers or other produce -- to avoid having “sexual thoughts.”

The unnamed cleric, whose directive was featured in an article in el-Senousa, a religious publication, purportedly said that if women wanted to eat these foods, a third party -- preferably a male related to them, such as their father or husband -- should cut the items into small pieces before serving, the Egyptian website Bikya Masr reported.

Carrots and zucchini also were added to the alleged cleric's list of forbidden foods for women.

News of the statement quickly spread online, leaving many liberal Muslims embarrassed and angry, evoking a flurry of mockery in online forums.

"Many of the commentators are Muslims themselves, who have expressed their anger against the cleric for making Islamic religious practices appear unreasonable," The International Business Times reported. said the cleric, identified only as a sheikh, was asked in the interview how to “control” women when they are shopping for groceries, and whether holding these items at the market would be bad, to which he replied that the matter was between them and God.

Questions also arose about the validity of the original published interview. An online search for the el-Senousa article, for instance, yields only results linking to the Bikya Masr report.

But the mere suggestion of a strict order for Muslim women handling food has been enough to send people to website forums and Twitter to air their indignation.

Danish/Lebanese journalist Helen Hajjij tweeted on Wednesday: “So if Muslim women should stay away from cucumbers and bananas, should men stay away from melons?” (LOLOLOLOL)
wow imagine if every time a christian nutcase/asshole spouted off we used that as evidence of the corruptness of the belief itself...

what the fuck would anyone make of the church and pedophile priests?

OMG! you christians are on some kinda fucking jihad.

and your agenda seems... kinda gay....
We Christians do not consider our women to be our property.

We do not prevent them from driving.

We do not make them cover their faces.

We do not hold them responsible for being raped by a criminal.

We do not have public stoning of our women for infidelity.

We do not beat them for going out in public without a family member going with them.

We do not allow other men to publicly whip them for infractions of Christian dogma.

We treat our women as equal partners in our relationships.

You get it now? Likely now; but there is always hope even for the worst glittering jewel of colossal ignorance.
i'm really taking you seriously on this jim. especially after your defense of the fundieLDS kiddie rapists. apparently you think they have a right to practice whatever the fuck they want.
i'm really taking you seriously on this jim. especially after your defense of the fundieLDS kiddie rapists. apparently you think they have a right to practice whatever the fuck they want.

Oh, yeah, I remember that. I was defending them against people like you who wanted to take them out and execute them without a trial before any evidence was released. At least I don't advocate that Muslims should be summarily executed.

By the way, what ever happened to that story? It seems that there was never any evidence that supported the taking of hundreds of children from their parents. Funny how those types of stories peter out when the truth comes out.

So you would have executed all of those people for nothing other than your own pleasure.
omfg dude step away from the dramaphone.

execute? like, perhaps even assassinate? such intrigue. i just thought they wanted to arrest the sick fuck...

there was never any question that he fucked young girls. not a difficult one to figure out, mister christian morality.
One day a ten-year-old kid asks his dad if he can have a camera.

His dad asks him, "Does your dick touch your asshole?"

"No dad, my dick doesn't touch my asshole." replies the kid.

"Then I'm sorry, son, you can't have it."

When he is twelve, he asks his dad "Can I have a bicycle?"

His dad asks him, "Does your dick touch your asshole?"

"No dad, my dick doesn't touch my asshole." replies the kid.

"Then I'm sorry, son, you can't have it."

When he is sixteen he asks his dad "Can I have a car?"

His dad asks him, "Does your dick touch your asshole?"

"Yes, dad, my dick does touch my asshole." replies the kid.

His dad looks at him and says, "Then go fuck yourself."

So, Minks, does your dick touch your asshole?
wow that's um, real good there jim.

i accidentally touched a girl's asshole the other night. does that count for anything?