stolen paintings


New Member
so some dudes stole the scream (aka the cry) and the madonna. the edvard munch paintings. i could provide linkage but it's slightly old news and frankly, i plan on heading off on a tangent instead of discussing the crime. my question to you is...why would you go to all the trouble to steal a famous painting when you could never hang it on the wall so you can enjoy it because you'd have to hide the stolen objects? why would you want to hide it away so no one could see it?
They should be able to hang it on a wall, but they won't invite no one to come and see it.
I never understood it, either. It doesn't make sense - the only thing you could do with it other than ransom would be to sell it for cash, but who would buy it? You couldn't really enjoy the paintings if you weren't the rightful owner. :shrug:
Sharky said:
I never understood it, either. It doesn't make sense - the only thing you could do with it other than ransom would be to sell it for cash, but who would buy it? You couldn't really enjoy the paintings if you weren't the rightful owner. :shrug:

If they were even a bit smart they wouldn't risk selling it cause the buyer would PROBABLY be someone who was gonna squeal...noone with any sense would buy it and not tell "the law" cause then they'd be accused of taking it...but I guess if the theifs were smart they wouldn't have stole it to begin with...
ResearchMonkey said:
My guess would be that the buyer funded the heist specifically for those two paintings.

And then of course...all comments made about the "theives" now refer to the "buyer"...they are still a fool who can never let anyone know they have the paintings!
"Buying" these two this way was certainly much cheaper than actually buying them would have been. If this guy (or gal) has a private home somewhere obscure, he may not care if anyone else sees them.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that Scream just one of a series? If so, whaddya wanna bet the rest just tripled in value.
Pssst . . . Munch paintings . . . over here . . . getcher Munch paintings, right here . . . gin-u-wine, guaranteed, the real deal, check it out . . .
i read that the scream is valued at $75mil, and would never be for sale because it is so well known, so it's theft, pure and simple.

and beyond not being able to display it... you can't even brag about it either! there's really no point, lol
Spirit said:
Edvard Munch was my great Uncle.

I can't even draw a stickman.
really? that's awesome! i seriously am a fan! the madonna is my favorite by him (it was stolen too).
munchkin.. hehe.. first time I ever heard that one :) Seriously!

I have many favorites, I couldn't pick just one.. however, the Scream is NOT one of them, that one and.. I think it's called Anxiety?

His nephew, my Uncle (Uncle Ed, go figure...), were so close. He had the artisitic talent, but that's about all the similarity, really. He was outgoing and vivacious. Anyways, I have a couple of his paintings :D