Stop me if you've heard this one.


Too cute for words
This was in the shoutbox over the weekend (thanks Sharky). I liked it so much I gave it a thread

A man goes to the dentist. The dentist says, "We'll start in a few minutes, as soon as this novocaine shot starts to work."
"Oh no, no shots," the man says. "I'm deathly afraid of needles."
"All right," the dentist says, "we'll use gas.
"No gas either," the man replies. "The last time I had the gas I was sick for a week."
The dentist says, "Okay, just a moment," and leaves the room. A few minutes later, he returns, gives the guy a pill and says, "Take this."
The man looks at it suspiciously and asks, "What is it?"
"Viagra," the dentist answers.
"Well, hows that going to stop the pain," the guy asks.
"It won't," replies the dentist, "but it'll give you something to hang on to."
I told my lovely wife this joke then asked her if she'd mind hanging on to something for me...
chcr said:
I told my lovely wife this joke then asked her if she'd mind hanging on to something for me...

Heh . . . :lol2:

(props to the Bob and Tom Show for providing the joke)