Stormy Weather


Staff member
We had a pretty intense (but short) storm yesterday around 5pm-ish. This is a picture of a house in the townhouse complex that I lived in as a kid. My cousin is currently the super of the complex, I'm sure he's having just a fantastic weekend...poor guy (it's not his house btw, but still his headache).

That's gotta be the MOST ridiculous thing I have EVER heard! It's called INSURANCE.

Oh, and my cousin is the SUPERINTENDANT, he doesn't own the complex.
I'm relatively certain that was a joke....

I stand by my statement, if it was a joke it wasn't a a very good just came outta nowhere...I've come to expect MUCH MUCH more from Inky, he usually gets atleast a chuckle or a groan outta me. :shrug: