
Luis G

Staff member
*waits eagerly for it

The concept behind the StupidFilter Project originated during a conversation between Gabriel Ortiz and Paul Starr. StupidFilter was conceived out of necessity. Too long have we suffered in silence under the tyranny of idiocy. In the beginning, the internet was a place where one could communicate intelligently with similarly erudite people. Then, Eternal September hit and we were lost in the noise. The advent of user-driven web content has compounded the matter yet further, straining our tolerance to the breaking point.

It's time to fight back.

The solution we're creating is simple: an open-source filter software that can detect rampant stupidity in written English. This will be accomplished with weighted Bayesian or similar analysis and some rules-based processing, similar to spam detection engines. The primary challenge inherent in our task is that stupidity is not a binary distinction, but rather a matter of degree. To this end, we're collecting a ranked corpus of stupid text, gleaned from user comments on public websites and ranked on a five-point scale.

Eventually, once the research is completed, we plan to release core engine source code for incorporation into content management systems, blogs, wikis and the like. Additionally, we plan to develop a fully implemented Firefox plugin and a Wordpress plugin.', thats great.

Not that I've read every link but I read enough.

Too long have we suffered in silence under the tyranny of idiocy.
the internet was a place where one could communicate intelligently.
The advent of user-driven web content has compounded the matter yet further, straining our tolerance to the breaking point.
software that can detect rampant stupidity
...rules-based processing
release core engine (open) source code for incorporation into content management systems.

about Paul "Tuttle" Starr

Alchemical immortal, provocateur, pontificator, pulpit-pounder, novelist, 3-time Tour de France winner, and all-around good guy, P. Tuttle Starr left his sizable estate in central Tajima to his pet Canadian before the life-changing neurosurgery that fused his mind with a transcendent artificial intelligence derived from a foulmouthed Aibo named Murray. ...

July 11th, 2007
For the last couple of days, I’ve been raving that the 2003 film Nasu: Summer in Andalusia was evidence that somebody from studio Madhouse had obtained and installed the necessary technology to spy on my thoughts, and glean from them the precise sort of animated movie I would want to see, before I knew I wanted to see it.

Oh yes, content management by a coupl'a university Enlightened Bozo's with grandious superiority complexes.

...why don't they just create a private forum to frolic in. for me personally, "leave, we don't like you", I get that from a few respectable people, ...I''d be gone.

Hope you can get it installed someday, nothing says "fascist:hippy:utopia" like automated conformity.
Erm... I think you're taking it a little more seriously than the rest of the universe there, RM. 95% of what's on the internet is mindless drivel (okay 85%, 10% is pr0n and while thats mostly mindless it is decidedly not drivel ;) ). What they're suggesting isn't really possible but it's fun to fantasize about it.
Erm... I think you're taking it a little more seriously than the rest of the universe there, RM. 95% of what's on the internet is mindless drivel (okay 85%, 10% is pr0n and while thats mostly mindless it is decidedly not drivel ;) ). What they're suggesting isn't really possible but it's fun to fantasize about it.

I'm sure you're right!...that I somewhat personalized it.
...but being teh ass I've been lately I have to consider the option... :hump:

It's my nature thoo to see such'a thing and look for the harm in it.

I read about ~200 of the filters. It seems they have a problem wit'da, LOLOL 'n udder HaXoR skribblings ROLFPMP schiznits. As well as words like Nazi. It also may have some political tendancies, but again it may have been grammer etc... two of them seemed to be clear and fairly well structured. but one of those two used 'u' in lieu of "you".

Some were perfectly fine for simple 3-4 word reply's

Its definatly hard on those that have engrish as a 2nd languweege.

*slaps chcr with a trout*