

New Member
School is finally over for the semester. I came home with the entire contents of my dorm to a brand new house. Not only did I have a dorm to unpack, but my old bedroom as well. A lot of trash was taken out, but now things are a lot more streamlined.

I'm only concerned about one class in which I may have a C if my cards are played against me. Otherwise, nothing too spectacular going on this summer save Gettysburg and a weekend in Ocean City with Brian (he's now 45 minutes away from me, and gas prices are going to make it tough to visit a lot).

Without further ado, pictures of the new setup it took me all day to finish. My bed is coming on Sunday. I needed a twin as compared to my old full-sized one because my room is smaller.


That shelf goes all the way around to the closet:

And this here would be my own bathroom. I disregarded the pink because the ducks are much cooler. It's the busiest bathroom I've ever seen.

It's going to be a great summer I think.
Man, I'm still trying to merge 3 years of stuff from my apartment into my room here at home...3 years of Uni stuff into my highschool bedroom is TOUGH. I've thrown out many a bag of garbage and gave many a bag of clothes to charity.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bathroom!