Sunflower classes for men


Staff member
Sunflower Classes for Men at the Local University.

*Sign up by May 25, 2002.

**Note: Due to the complexity and difficulty level of their contents, each course will accept a maximum of 8 participants each.

Topic 1
- How to fill up the ice cube trays. Step by step, with slide presentation.

Topic 2
- The toilet paper roll: Does it grow on the holder? Round table discussion.

Topic 3
- Is it possible to urinate using the technique of lifting the seat up and avoiding the floor/walls and nearby bathtub? Group practice.

Topic 4
- Fundamental differences between the laundry hamper and the floor. Pictures and explanatory graphics.

Topic 5
- The after-dinner dishes and silverware: Can they levitate and fly into the kitchen sink? Examples on video.

Topic 6
- Loss of identity: Losing the remote to your significant other. Helpline support and support groups.

Topic 7
- Learning how to find things, starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming. Open forum.

Topic 8
- Health watch: Bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health. Graphics and audio tape.

Topic 9
- Real men ask for directions when lost. Real life testimonials.

Topic 10
- Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly as she parallel parks? Driving simulation.

Topic 11
- Learning to live: Basic differences between mother and wife. Online class and role playing.

Topic 12
- How to be the ideal shopping companion. Relaxation, exercises, meditation and breathing techniques.

Topic 13
- How to fight cerebral atrophy: Remembering birthdays,
anniversaries, other important dates and calling when you're going to be late. Cerebral shock therapy sessions and full lobotomies offered.

*Upon completion of the course diplomas will be issued to the survivors.

You know what, honestly, my boyfriend needs only one of those classes:

Topic 7
- Learning how to find things, starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming. Open forum.


But if they also offered a class about how to save money instead of spending it on the newest piece of electronics because you "had to have it", I'd enroll him in a second. :D

I'm lucky. My Rusty is a good egg. :cool:
:laugh: Mine's a good egg too. Most of these don't apply, but they do to other men in my life :)

He needs number 6 for sure. :headbang:
Originally posted by greenfreak
But if they also offered a class about how to save money instead of spending it on the newest piece of electronics because you "had to have it", I'd enroll him in a second. :D

My luv is good too, but I'd still sign him up for that class too :D
Originally posted by L. Summerton
Topic 3
- Is it possible to urinate using the technique of lifting the seat up and avoiding the floor/walls and nearby bathtub? Group practice.

Group, i wouldn't like to be pissed....:D :D

Anyway, is almost impossible to point properly after having lots of sex (multiple directions, very tricky).

Word of th day.
PS = P.D. (posdata or postdata, both are correct) [/size]
my problem with the loo is that some insensitive git keeps leaving the toilet seat down ;) :D
Originally posted by ris
my problem with the loo is that some insensitive git keeps leaving the toilet seat down ;) :D
oh, yes, I know how incredibly heavy those things are... :p
Originally posted by L. Summerton
oh, yes, I know how incredibly heavy those things are... :p

Then it must be very difficult for you to put the seat down if you find it up :p :p
Originally posted by Luis G.
Then it must be very difficult for you to put the seat down if you find it up :p :p
Originally posted by sbcanada
I always put the seat and the lid down when I am done. :angel:
Hence sb's policy in my house :D